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A ten-year study on the physiology of two Spanish grapevine cultivars under field conditions: effects of water availability from leaf photosynthesis to grape yield and quality

Hipólito Medrano, José M. Escalona, Josep Cifre, Josefina Bota and Jaume Flexas
30(6) pp.607 - 619

195 articles found in Crossref database.

Evaluating the establishment performance of six native perennial Mediterranean species for use in extensive green roofs under water-limiting conditions
Azeñas V., Janner I., Medrano H., Gulías J.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2019 41 p.158
Effects of applied water amounts at various fractions of evapotranspiration (ETc) on leaf gas exchange of Thompson Seedless grapevines
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2012 18(1). p.100
Adjustments of water use efficiency by stomatal regulation during drought and recovery in the drought‐adapted Vitis hybrid Richter‐110 (V. berlandieri × V. rupestris)
Pou Alícia, Flexas Jaume, Alsina Maria del Mar, Bota Josefina, Carambula Cecilia, De Herralde Felicidad, Galmés Jeroni, Lovisolo Claudio, Jiménez Miguel, Ribas‐Carbó Miquel, Rusjan Denis, Secchi Francesca, Tomàs Magdalena, Zsófi Zsolt, Medrano Hipólito
Physiologia Plantarum. 2008 134(2). p.313
Adaptive strategies of two Mediterranean grapevines varieties (Aragonez syn. Tempranillo and Trincadeira) face drought: physiological and structural responses
Vaz M., Coelho R., Rato A., Samara-Lima R., Silva L. L., Campostrini E., Mota J. B.
Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology. 2016 28(2). p.205
Abiotic stress effects on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): Focus on abscisic acid-mediated consequences on secondary metabolism and berry quality
Ferrandino Alessandra, Lovisolo Claudio
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2014 103 p.138
Effects of Regulated Deficit Irrigation and Early Cluster Thinning on Production and Quality Parameters in a Vineyard cv. Tempranillo under Semi-Arid Conditions in Southwestern Spain
Mancha Luis Alberto, Uriarte David, Valdés Esperanza, Moreno Daniel, Prieto María del Henar
Agronomy. 2020 11(1). p.34
Heat and water stress induce unique transcriptional signatures of heat-shock proteins and transcription factors in grapevine
Rocheta Margarida, Becker Jörg D., Coito João L., Carvalho Luísa, Amâncio Sara
Functional & Integrative Genomics. 2014 14(1). p.135
Intracultivar genetic diversity in grapevine: Water use efficiency variability within cv. Grenache
Buesa Ignacio, Escalona José M., Tortosa Ignacio, Marín Diana, Loidi Maite, Santesteban Luis G., Douthe Cyril, Medrano Hipólito
Physiologia Plantarum. 2021 173(4). p.2226
Unraveling the Physiological Mechanisms Underlying the Intracultivar Variability of Water Use Efficiency in Vitis vinifera “Grenache”
Buesa Ignacio, Hernández-Montes Esther, Tortosa Ignacio, Baraldi Gabriele, Rosselló Miquel, Medrano Hipólito, Escalona Jose Mariano
Plants. 2022 11(21). p.3008
How water supply during leaf development drives water stress response in Corylus avellana saplings
Catoni R., Gratani L., Bracco F., Granata M.U.
Scientia Horticulturae. 2017 214 p.122
Assessing vineyard water status using the reflectance based Water Index
Serrano Lydia, González-Flor Cristina, Gorchs Gil
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2010 139(4). p.490
Accuracy of Interpolated Versus In-Vineyard Sensor Climate Data for Heat Accumulation Modelling of Phenology
Pipan Paula, Hall Andrew, Rogiers Suzy Y., Holzapfel Bruno P.
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021 12
Regulatory effects of exogenous gibberellic acid (GA3) on water relations and CO2 assimilation among grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars
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Scientia Horticulturae. 2013 159 p.41
Argan (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels) Seed Germination Under Some Pretreatments of Thermal Shocks
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Prospects for utilising plant-adaptive mechanisms to improve wheat and other crops in drought- and salinity-prone environments
Annals of Applied Biology. 2005 146(2). p.239
Grape cultivars adapted to hotter, drier growing regions exhibit greater photosynthesis in hot conditions despite less drought-resistant leaves
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Annals of Botany. 2024 134(2). p.205
Leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Malbec grapevines: combined effects of regulated deficit irrigation and crop load
Dayer S., Prieto J.A., Galat E., Peña J. Perez
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2016 22(1). p.115
Primary productivity and physiological responses of Vitis vinifera L. cvs. under Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE)
Wohlfahrt Y., Smith J.P., Tittmann S., Honermeier B., Stoll M.
European Journal of Agronomy. 2018 101 p.149
High Resolution Multispectral and Thermal Remote Sensing-Based Water Stress Assessment in Subsurface Irrigated Grapevines
Espinoza Carlos Zúñiga, Khot Lav R., Sankaran Sindhuja, Jacoby Pete W.
Remote Sensing. 2017 9(9). p.961
Integrative field scale phenotyping for investigating metabolic components of water stress within a vineyard
Gago Jorge, Fernie Alisdair R., Nikoloski Zoran, Tohge Takayuki, Martorell Sebastiá, Escalona José Mariano, Ribas-Carbó Miquel, Flexas Jaume, Medrano Hipólito
Plant Methods. 2017 13(1).
Vegetation structure and photosynthesis respond rapidly to restoration in young coastal fens
Laine Anna M., Tolvanen Anne, Mehtätalo Lauri, Tuittila Eeva‐Stiina
Ecology and Evolution. 2016 6(19). p.6880
Isohydrodynamic behavior in deficit-irrigated Cabernet Sauvignon and Malbec and its relationship between yield and berry composition
Shellie Krista C., Bowen Pat
Irrigation Science. 2014 32(2). p.87
Changes of Vine Water Status and Growth Parameters Under Different Canopy Managements on cv. Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.)
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 2022 19(1). p.1
Assessment of grape yield and composition using the reflectance based Water Index in Mediterranean rainfed vineyards
Serrano Lydia, González-Flor Cristina, Gorchs Gil
Remote Sensing of Environment. 2012 118 p.249
Suitability of pre-dawn and stem water potential as indicators of vineyard water status in cv. Tempranillo
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2011 17(1). p.43
Influence of intensity of post-veraison defoliation or shoot trimming on vine physiology, yield components, berry and wine composition in Aglianico grapevines
Caccavello G., Giaccone M., Scognamiglio P., Forlani M., Basile B.
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2017 23(2). p.226
The influence of grapevine rootstocks on scion growth and drought resistance
Zhang Li, Marguerit Elisa, Rossdeutsch Landry, Ollat Nathalie, Gambetta Gregory A.
Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology. 2016 28(2). p.143
Light sensitivity of shoot hydraulic conductance in five temperate deciduous tree species
Aasamaa Krõõt, Sõber Anu
Functional Plant Biology. 2012 39(8). p.661
Soil water availability and capacity of nitrogen accumulation influence variations of intrinsic water use efficiency in rice
Xue Wei, Nay-Htoon Bhone, Lindner Steve, Dubbert Maren, Otieno Dennis, Ko Jonghan, Werner Christiane, Tenhunen John
Journal of Plant Physiology. 2016 193 p.26
Rapid and non-destructive method to assess in the vineyard grape berry anthocyanins under different seasonal and water conditions*
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2011 17(2). p.181
Grapevine rootstocks affect growth‐related scion phenotypes
Migicovsky Zoë, Cousins Peter, Jordan Lindsay M., Myles Sean, Striegler Richard Keith, Verdegaal Paul, Chitwood Daniel H.
Plant Direct. 2021 5(5).
Infrared Thermography to Estimate Vine Water Status: Optimizing Canopy Measurements and Thermal Indices for the Varieties Merlot and Moscato in Northern Italy
Belfiore Nicola, Vinti Rosanna, Lovat Lorenzo, Chitarra Walter, Tomasi Diego, de Bei Roberta, Meggio Franco, Gaiotti Federica
Agronomy. 2019 9(12). p.821
Grapevine in a Changing Environment (2015)
Medrano H., Perez Peña J., Prieto J., Tomás M., Franck N., Escalona J.M.
Grapevine varieties exhibiting differences in stomatal response to water deficit
Costa Joaquim M., Ortuño Maria F., Lopes Carlos M., Chaves Maria M.
Functional Plant Biology. 2012 39(3). p.179
Effect of shading determined by photovoltaic panels installed above the vines on the performance of cv. Corvina (Vitis vinifera L.)
Ferrara Giuseppe, Boselli Maurizio, Palasciano Marino, Mazzeo Andrea
Scientia Horticulturae. 2023 308 p.111595
Sugars and flowering in the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)
Lebon G., Wojnarowiez G., Holzapfel B., Fontaine F., Vaillant-Gaveau N., Clement C.
Journal of Experimental Botany. 2008 59(10). p.2565
Water consumption, crop coefficient and leaf area relations of a Vitis vinifera cv. 'Cabernet Sauvignon' vineyard
Munitz Sarel, Schwartz Amnon, Netzer Yishai
Agricultural Water Management. 2019 219 p.86
Mapping vineyard vigor using airborne remote sensing: relations with yield, berry composition and sanitary status under humid climate conditions
Ferrer Milka, Echeverría Gerardo, Pereyra Gustavo, Gonzalez-Neves Gustavo, Pan Dinorah, Mirás-Avalos José Manuel
Precision Agriculture. 2020 21(1). p.178
The physiology of drought stress in grapevine: towards an integrative definition of drought tolerance
Gambetta Gregory A, Herrera Jose Carlos, Dayer Silvina, Feng Quishuo, Hochberg Uri, Castellarin Simone D, Zhang Jianhua
Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020 71(16). p.4658
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Terroir aspects of grape quality in a cool climate wine region: Relationship between water deficit, vegetative growth and berry sugar concentration
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Scientia Horticulturae. 2011 127(4). p.494
Variation in physiological traits in Jatropha germplasm from peninsular India
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Influences of soil and biochar properties and amount of biochar and fertilizer on the performance of biochar in improving plant photosynthetic rate: A meta-analysis
Gao Yang, Shao Guangcheng, Yang Zhen, Zhang Kun, Lu Jia, Wang Zhiyu, Wu Shiqing, Xu Dan
European Journal of Agronomy. 2021 130 p.126345
Improving water use efficiency in grapevines: potential physiological targets for biotechnological improvement
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2010 16 p.106
Physiological tools to assess vine water status for use in vineyard irrigation management: review and update
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Interactive effects of high temperature and water deficit on Malbec grapevines
Galat Giorgi E., Sadras V. O., Keller M., Perez Peña J.
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2019 25(3). p.345
Variability in water use behavior during drought of different grapevine varieties: Assessment of their regulation of water status and stomatal control
Serrano A.S., Martínez-Gascueña J., Chacón-Vozmediano J.L.
Agricultural Water Management. 2024 291 p.108642
The effects of applied water at various fractions of measured evapotranspiration on reproductive growth and water productivity of Thompson Seedless grapevines
Williams Larry E., Grimes D. W., Phene C. J.
Irrigation Science. 2010 28(3). p.233
Effect of water deficit and rewatering on leaf gas exchange and transpiration decline of excised leaves of four grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars
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Irrigation level and time of imposition impact vine physiology, yield components, fruit composition and wine quality of Ontario Chardonnay
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Production, localisation and possible roles of nitric oxide in drought-stressed grapevines
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2010 16(1). p.203
Effect of prohexadione-Ca on leaf chlorophyll content, gas exchange, berry size and composition, wine quality and disease susceptibility in Vitis vinifera L. cv Xinomavro
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Scientia Horticulturae. 2018 238 p.369
The Effect of Irrigation-Initiation Timing on the Phenolic Composition and Overall Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines Grown in a Semi-Arid Climate
Drori Elyashiv, Munitz Sarel, Pinkus Ania, Stanevsky Maria, Netzer Yishai
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Opportunities for improving leaf water use efficiency under climate change conditions
Gago Jorge, Douthe Cyril, Florez-Sarasa Igor, Escalona Jose M., Galmes Jeroni, Fernie Alisdair R., Flexas Jaume, Medrano Hipolito
Plant Science. 2014 226 p.108
Yield and quality responses of ‘Aragonez’ grapevines under deficit irrigation and different soil management practices in a mediterranean climate
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Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola. 2015 30(1). p.9
Carbon balance in grapevines (Vitis viniferaL.): effect of environment, cultivar and phenology on carbon gain, losses and allocation
Hernández‐Montes E., Escalona J.M., Tomás M., Martorell S., Bota J., Tortosa I., Medrano H.
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 2022 28(4). p.534
Water Stress and Grape Physiology in the Context of Global Climate Change
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Use of stomatal conductance and pre-dawn water potential to classify terroir for the grape variety Kékfrankos
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The role of grapevine leaf morphoanatomical traits in determining capacity for coping with abiotic stresses: a review
MacMillan Phoebe, Teixeira Generosa, Lopes Carlos M., Monteiro Ana
Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola. 2021 36(1). p.75
Modern viticulture in southern Europe: Vulnerabilities and strategies for adaptation to water scarcity
Costa J.M., Vaz M., Escalona J., Egipto R., Lopes C., Medrano H., Chaves M.M.
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Irrigation schedule on table grapes by stem water potential and vapor pressure deficit allows to optimize Water Use
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Usefulness of early morning stem water potential as a sensitive indicator of water status of deficit-irrigated grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.)
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Characteristics of Leaf Photosynthesis and Fruit Quality in‘Sweet Gold’Kiwifruit under Adjusted Soil Water Content at the Fruit Maturation Stage
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Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture. 2023 35(3). p.207
Partial root-zone drying irrigation, shading, or mulching effects on water savings, productivity and quality of ‘Syrah’ grapevines
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Water stress assessment on grapevines by using classification and regression trees
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Grapevine responses to site-specific spatiotemporal factors in a Mediterranean climate
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Wheat-Aegilops biuncialis amphiploids have efficient photosynthesis and biomass production during osmotic stress
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Simulating the impact of climate change (elevated CO2 and temperature, and water deficit) on the growth of red and white Tempranillo grapevine in three consecutive growing seasons (2013–2015)
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Is vegetative area, photosynthesis, or grape C uploading involved in the climate change-related grape sugar/anthocyanin decoupling in Tempranillo?
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Evaluation of the incidence of severe trimming on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) water consumption
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Agricultural Water Management. 2019 213 p.646
Contrasting leaf porometer and infra-red gas analyser methodologies: an old paradigm about the stomatal conductance measurement
Toro Guillermo, Flexas Jaume, Escalona José Mariano
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Hydraulics and gas exchange recover more rapidly from severe drought stress in small pot-grown grapevines than in field-grown plants
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Agronomic Response of 13 Spanish Red Grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.) Cultivars Under Drought Conditions in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Climate
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Influence of Growing Season on Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Properties of Grape Berries from Vines Grown in Subtropical Climate
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Short-term physiological effects of smoke on grapevine leaves
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Adapting Grapevine Productivity and Fitness to Water Deficit by Means of Naturalized Rootstocks
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The reflectivity in the S‐band and the broadband ultrasonic spectroscopy as new tools for the study of water relations in Vitis vinifera L.
Sancho‐Knapik Domingo, Peguero‐Pina José Javier, Medrano Hipólito, Fariñas María Dolores, Álvarez‐Arenas Tomás Gómez, Gil‐Pelegrín Eustaquio
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Structural memory in grapevines: Early season water availability affects late season drought stress severity
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Anisohydric behaviour in grapevines results in better performance under moderate water stress and recovery than isohydric behaviour
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Drought-induced changes in development and function of grapevine (Vitis spp.) organs and in their hydraulic and non-hydraulic interactions at the whole-plant level: a physiological and molecular update
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Responses of soil water–root coupling and coupling effects on grapevines to irrigation methods in extremely arid region
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Average daily light interception determines leaf water use efficiency among different canopy locations in grapevine
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Girdling and gibberellic acid effects on yield and quality of a seedless red table grape for saving irrigation water supply
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Water stress, yield, and grape quality in a hilly rainfed “Aglianico” vineyard grown in two different soils along a slope
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Image-Based Assessment of Drought Response in Grapevines
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Conventional and newly bred rootstock effects on the ecophysiological response of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo
Buesa I., Torres N., Tortosa I., Marín D., Villa-Llop A., Douthe C., Santesteban L.G., Medrano H., Escalona J.M.
Agricultural Water Management. 2023 289 p.108560
Temperature and evaporative demand drive variation in stomatal and hydraulic traits across grape cultivars
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Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Effects in Different Organ Tissues of Grapes under Drought Conditions
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The Application of Leaf Ultrasonic Resonance to Vitis vinifera L. Suggests the Existence of a Diurnal Osmotic Adjustment Subjected to Photosynthesis
Sancho-Knapik Domingo, Medrano Hipólito, Peguero-Pina José J., Mencuccini Maurizio, Fariñas Maria D., Álvarez-Arenas Tomás G., Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016 7
Carbon balance in grapevines under different soil water supply: importance of whole plant respiration
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Systematic Investigation of the Effects of a Novel Protein Hydrolysate on the Growth, Physiological Parameters, Fruit Development and Yield of Grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L., cv Sauvignon Blanc) under Water Stress Conditions
Meggio Franco, Trevisan Sara, Manoli Alessandro, Ruperti Benedetto, Quaggiotti Silvia
Agronomy. 2020 10(11). p.1785
Grapevine in a Changing Environment (2015)
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Bacillus licheniformis PR2 Controls Fungal Diseases and Increases Production of Jujube Fruit under Field Conditions
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