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ASEG Extended Abstracts

Tectono-stratigraphic development of the northern Houtman Sub-basin, Perth Basin

Ryan Owens, Irina Borissova, Chris Southby, Lisa Hall, George Bernardel, Emmanuelle Grosjean and Cameron Mitchell

ASEG Extended Abstracts 2018(1) 1 - 8
Published: 2018


The northern Houtman Sub-basin is an under-explored region of Australia’s western continental margin. It is located at the transition between the non-volcanic margin of the northern Perth Basin and the volcanic province of the Wallaby Plateau, and lies adjacent to the Wallaby-Zenith Transform Margin. In 2014-15, Geoscience Australia acquired new 2D seismic data (GA-349) across the northern Houtman Sub-basin to assess its hydrocarbon prospectivity. This study integrated interpretation of the recently acquired GA-349 survey, with Geoscience Australia’s existing regional interpretation of the Houtman and Abrolhos sub-basins, to develop a 2D structural and stratigraphic interpretation for the study area. As there are no wells in the northern Houtman sub-basin, the age and lithologies of the mapped sequences were derived from regional mapping, stratal relationships and seismic facies. The new data clearly images a large depocentre, including a much thicker Paleozoic section (up to 13 km) than previously recognised. Extending the length of the inboard part of northern sub-basin are a series of large half-graben (7-10 km thick), interpreted to have formed as a result of Permian rifting. Overlying these half-graben, and separated by an unconformity, is a thick succession (up to 6 km) interpreted to represent a subsequent late Permian to Early Jurassic phase of the thermal subsidence. A second phase of rifting started in the Early Jurassic and culminated in Early Cretaceous breakup. The sedimentary succession deposited during this phase of rifting is highly faulted and heavily intruded in the outboard part of the basin, adjacent to the Wallaby Saddle, where intrusive and extrusive complexes are clearly imaged on the seismic. In contrast to the southern part of the Houtman Sub-basin, which experienced rapid passive margin subsidence and regional tilting after the Valanginian breakup, the northern sub-basin remained mostly exposed sub-aerially until the Aptian while the Wallaby Zenith Fracture Zone continued to develop.

© ASEG 2018

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