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Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science SocietyJournal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science Society
A journal for meteorology, climate, oceanography, hydrology and space weather focused on the southern hemisphere
Table of Contents
Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science

Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science

Volume 74 Number 1 2024

ES23012Application of satellite altimetry for studying the water vapour variability over the tropical Indian Ocean

Fathin Nurzaman, Dudy D. Wijaya 0009-0006-5944-0643, Nabila S. E. Putri, Noor N. Abdullah, Brian Bramanto, Zamzam A. J. Tanuwijaya, Wedyanto Kuntjoro, Bambang Setyadji and Dhota Pradipta

A new application for satellite altimetry is showcased in this paper. Altimetric satellites are originally intended for oceanographic application through their sea surface height measurement. A different perspective is used here, in which the altimetric satellites are utilised for atmospheric measurement using their microwave radiometer. This paper showcases that the radiometer measurement can be used to study the water vapour variability over the tropical Indian Ocean, which can contribute to the rainfall-induced disaster risk assessment around the region.

ES23022Observing and forecasting the retreat of northern Australia’s rainy season

Tim Cowan 0000-0002-8376-4879, Emily Hinds, Andrew G. Marshall 0000-0003-4902-1462, Matthew C. Wheeler 0000-0002-9769-1973 and Catherine de Burgh-Day 0000-0002-1975-0042

The transition into northern Australia’s dry season marks an important time for beef and sheep producers with regard to decisions on animal feed rationing. The last wet season rains – known as the northern rainfall retreat date – could be a useful decision date for northern graziers. This study describes different ways of defining the rainfall retreat and shows that the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s seasonal forecast system (ACCESS-S2) has moderate skill at forecasting if the retreat is likely to be later or earlier than usual at a lead time of 2.5 months across the far northern wet tropics.

Committee on Publication Ethics

Outstanding Associate Editor Award

Anthony Rea is the recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Associate Editor Award.

Best Student Paper

The Best Student Paper published in 2024 has been awarded to Nahuel Bautista.
