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Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science SocietyJournal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science Society
A journal for meteorology, climate, oceanography, hydrology and space weather focused on the southern hemisphere

Call for Papers

Guest Editor: Tony Hirst – Bureau of Meterology

JSHESS welcomes contributions focusing on CMIP (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project) model evaluation and related model development, including initiatives such as CORDEX, and associated advancements that address the needs of IPCC AR7. Submissions should align with the scope of JSHESS, primarily centred on Southern Hemisphere phenomena or global processes that impact the Southern Hemisphere. The focus of this special collection is on model development and evaluation. While studies leveraging CMIP for impact analyses are valuable, they fall outside the scope of this initiative and can instead be submitted to JSHESS more broadly.

We encourage contributions from diverse research groups across continents to foster a global perspective. To support collaborative efforts for CMIP7, we welcome research manuscripts, reviews, and communication-style articles evaluating models such as ACCESS, that could provide insights and recommendations for further model development.

This special collection will initially run through 2025–2026, with opportunities for review and expansion in alignment with CMIP7 activities expected in 2027. Join us in advancing the science of climate modelling!

All submissions will be processed through the ScholarOne Manuscripts system, if you have any questions about the submission process please reach out to the JSHESS editorial team (Contacts).

Submission Deadline: October 2026

Committee on Publication Ethics