Don’t forget your keys when trying to unlock the productivity of low-permeability coals
Raymond L. Johnson
![]() Prof Raymond (Ray) L. Johnson, Jr is General Manager Technical Services, Novus Fuels and Professor of Well Engineering and Production Technology, The Centre for Natural Gas, The University of Queensland. He has a PhD in mining engineering, MSc in petroleum engineering, Graduate Diploma in Information Technology, and BA in Chemistry. Ray is a Life Member of the SPE, past chair of the SPE Queensland Section, Technical Committee roles and Chair of Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibitions, 2013 and 2015 co-Chair of the SPE Unconventional Reservoir Conference and Exhibition Asia Pacific, 2023 co-Chair of the SPE Unconventional Reservoir Symposium Asia Pacific and Technical Award Recipient of SPE Regional Awards for Production Engineering (2011) and Management and Information (2017). He has been actively involved as an author and researcher in the areas of reservoir geomechanics; hydraulic fracture design, execution, and evaluation; and unconventional resources estimation and development. Ray is also a member of AAPG, AusIMM, and a Fellow Engineers Australia |
Low-permeability coal seam gas (CSG) wells have been the subject of laboratory research and modelling studies over the past decade, particularly focusing on the pressure-dependent permeability (PDP) behaviour of coals. These research efforts have progressed diagnostic methods to identify and quantify PDP and provide practical technologies to counter these effects. Firstly, machine learning methods based on drilling and historical well-test data can provide insight into the range of coal permeability during drilling. Next, the process of history-matching the after-closure pressures from a diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT), using reservoir simulators, can determine best-fit values for fracture compressibility, a key parameter for reservoir models. Finally, these data, along with DFIT reservoir pressure and permeability data, can inform the decision-making process regarding the most applicable completion strategy and aid developmental planning. For areas where vertical or surface-to-inseam (SIS) wells have been unsuccessful, new hydraulic fracturing technologies have been developed to enhance the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) in coals, using horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in excess of 20 stages. Recent laboratory and modelling of micro-proppants has extended prior laboratory and modelling studies and provided insight into proppant transport, embedment, and screen-out behaviour. These well stimulation technologies can be co-applied in new or existing CSG fields and are suitable for areas where overlapping tenements limit conventional, steel-based completion strategies. In conclusion, this paper will bring the key findings of these studies together in a cohesive framework and provide the workflows to implement these technologies for better productivity in low-permeability coals.
Keywords: CBM, coal seam gas, coalbed methane, CSG, DFIT, diagnostic fracture injection test, hydraulic fracturing, indirect hydraulic fracturing, low-permeability, micro-proppants.
![]() Prof Raymond (Ray) L. Johnson, Jr is General Manager Technical Services, Novus Fuels and Professor of Well Engineering and Production Technology, The Centre for Natural Gas, The University of Queensland. He has a PhD in mining engineering, MSc in petroleum engineering, Graduate Diploma in Information Technology, and BA in Chemistry. Ray is a Life Member of the SPE, past chair of the SPE Queensland Section, Technical Committee roles and Chair of Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibitions, 2013 and 2015 co-Chair of the SPE Unconventional Reservoir Conference and Exhibition Asia Pacific, 2023 co-Chair of the SPE Unconventional Reservoir Symposium Asia Pacific and Technical Award Recipient of SPE Regional Awards for Production Engineering (2011) and Management and Information (2017). He has been actively involved as an author and researcher in the areas of reservoir geomechanics; hydraulic fracture design, execution, and evaluation; and unconventional resources estimation and development. Ray is also a member of AAPG, AusIMM, and a Fellow Engineers Australia |
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