A novel approach for geomechanical modelling in the absence of stress magnitude data
Mojtaba Rajabi
![]() Dr Mojtaba Rajabi is an ARC DECRA Senior Research Fellow at the School of the Environment, the University of Queensland. He has over 15 years of extensive experience in crustal stress analysis, geomechanics, geomechanical-numerical modelling and petrophysics. Mojtaba graduated with a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Adelaide in 2016. Since 2012, Dr Rajabi has worked on the Australian and World Stress Map projects, and currently is the Deputy-Head of the World Stress Map project. |
![]() Dr Moritz Ziegler is a Research Scientist at the Technical University of Munich (Walter Benjamin Fellowship). He holds a PhD from the University of Potsdam in 2017. Since 2012, Dr Ziegler has been a core member of the World Stress Map project and currently is the Head of software development team in this project. Moritz’s work is mainly dedicated to modelling of the in-situ stress state for subsurface operations. He has a particular interest in the uncertainties of the geomechanical models. |
![]() Mr Rasoul Ranjbarkarami is a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland. He graduated with an MSc in Petroleum Geology from University of Tehran (2013). His research interests are reservoir geomechanics, structural geology, and petrophysical evolution of reservoir rocks. Rasoul started his career in 2013, as a geologist and spent 8 years working in petroleum industry before joining the University of Queensland, as a PhD student. |
![]() Ms Parisa Tavoosiiraj graduated with an MSc in sedimentology and sedimentary rocks from the University of Tehran. Geophysics, reservoir characterisation, and reservoir geomechanics are her areas of interest in research. Parisa began her professional career in 2019 by working in upstream section for 3 years as a seismic stratigraphic interpreter. Parisa currently is working as a Research Assistant at the University of Queensland. |
Geomechanics play an important role in any underground activity, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2) geo-storage, owing to the considerable hazards linked to the injection and withdrawal of fluids into and from the subsurface. In order to quantify these risks, knowledge of full stress tensor is required. Yet, most of our stress information in the Australian target basins for geo-storage is limited to the stress orientations, while stress magnitude data is sparse. 3D geomechanical modelling has proved to be an invaluable tool for prediction of full stress tensor. Nevertheless, a model requires some stress magnitude data in order to tune the model to be representative of real stress state. In situations where stress magnitude data is lacking, this means that the model is susceptible to significant uncertainties. Herein, we present a novel strategy for stress modelling, which involves the utilisation of indirect data such as borehole breakouts, drilling-induced fractures, seismic activity records, and formation integrity tests to calibrate a 3D geomechanical model. We employ the northern Bowen Basin, an onshore basin in Queensland, Australia, as a case study for a comprehensive 3D geomechanical modelling approach. We assess all the indirect information in the model’s volume to narrow down the model predictions and find the most reliable stress state. This innovative approach is an important step forward in stress modelling of Australian basins, where lack of stress magnitudes is a great challenge for geomechanical assessment of geo-storage.
Keywords: 3D geomechanical-numerical modelling, Australian Stress Map, Bowen Basin, geomechanics, in-situ stress, stress magnitudes, stress regime, stress tensor.
![]() Dr Mojtaba Rajabi is an ARC DECRA Senior Research Fellow at the School of the Environment, the University of Queensland. He has over 15 years of extensive experience in crustal stress analysis, geomechanics, geomechanical-numerical modelling and petrophysics. Mojtaba graduated with a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Adelaide in 2016. Since 2012, Dr Rajabi has worked on the Australian and World Stress Map projects, and currently is the Deputy-Head of the World Stress Map project. |
![]() Dr Moritz Ziegler is a Research Scientist at the Technical University of Munich (Walter Benjamin Fellowship). He holds a PhD from the University of Potsdam in 2017. Since 2012, Dr Ziegler has been a core member of the World Stress Map project and currently is the Head of software development team in this project. Moritz’s work is mainly dedicated to modelling of the in-situ stress state for subsurface operations. He has a particular interest in the uncertainties of the geomechanical models. |
![]() Mr Rasoul Ranjbarkarami is a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland. He graduated with an MSc in Petroleum Geology from University of Tehran (2013). His research interests are reservoir geomechanics, structural geology, and petrophysical evolution of reservoir rocks. Rasoul started his career in 2013, as a geologist and spent 8 years working in petroleum industry before joining the University of Queensland, as a PhD student. |
![]() Ms Parisa Tavoosiiraj graduated with an MSc in sedimentology and sedimentary rocks from the University of Tehran. Geophysics, reservoir characterisation, and reservoir geomechanics are her areas of interest in research. Parisa began her professional career in 2019 by working in upstream section for 3 years as a seismic stratigraphic interpreter. Parisa currently is working as a Research Assistant at the University of Queensland. |
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