Concurrent 15. Presentation for: Guidance document: Incident Management Teams – Knowledge requirements for responding to marine oil spills
Daniel Hazell A *A Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
The APPEA Journal 62 -
Published: 3 June 2022
Presented on Wednesday 18 May: Session 15
The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Authority undertakes the assessment of environmental plans and oil pollution emergency plans for petroleum activities in Australian Commonwealth waters. In 2019, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association’s Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Working Group (OSPRWG) developed a work program to address identified Incident Management Team (IMT) training issues, with an aim to develop industry good practice guidance in relation to IMT skills, competencies and oil spill training. The OSPRWG has now produced a guidance document on IMT oil spill training, that was developed in collaboration with the Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre and peer reviewed by Oil Spill Response Limited. The guideline should facilitate a greater and more coordinated mutual aid IMT oil spill capability within the Australian offshore petroleum industry.
To access the presentation click the link on the right. To read the full paper click here
Keywords: competency, Incident Management Team, industry collaboration, oil spill, training.
![]() Daniel Hazell holds an Honours degree in Environmental Science and has worked for 20 years in heavy industries, including 15 years in the offshore petroleum industry in Australia. In his career, he has managed environmental approvals and overseen environmental compliance during the construction, commissioning and operation of several large infrastructure projects, both in mining and petroleum. In recent years, his focus has shifted to oil spill response, where he has led several APPEA collaboration projects to deliver improvements in oil spill preparedness. These have included industry spill response and source control preparedness during COVID-19, the development of regional oil pollution response planning models and the IMT oil spill training guidance document. He is currently employed by INPEX Australia, as a Senior Environmental Advisor, supporting exploration and production activities in Australia. In recent years, he has also played a pivotal role in the coordination and development of the APPEA OSWG’s Guidance Document: Incident Management Teams – Knowledge requirements for responding to marine oil spills. |