Electromagnetic scanning in an Australian offshore basin with complex geology
Claudia Twarz A , Jim Ross B , Friedrich Roth A and Dave Monk CA Electromagnetic Geoservices (EMGS) Stiklestadveien 1 7041 Trondheim, Norway
B Apache Energy Ltd St Georges Terrace, Level 3 Perth WA 6000
C Apache Corp. 2000 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77056-4400, USA
The APPEA Journal 48(2) 477-477 https://doi.org/10.1071/AJ07067
Published: 2008
: Scanning
![]() Claudia Twarz graduated from the TU Bergakademie Freiberg with a MSc degree in geology in 2006. Her thesis research focused on neotectonic analysis of satellite images from the Pamir Mountains, Himalaya. Following her graduation, she joined the interpretation division of Electromagnetic Geoservices, Norway, where she is responsible for the modeling, processing and integrated interpretation of seabed logging data throughout the various project stages. To date, she has processed and interpreted more than ten seabed logging surveys acquired in a variety of geological settings. ct@emgs.com |
![]() Jim Ross graduated from the University of Manitoba, Canada, with a BSc in geological engineering in 1982. His graduation thesis was Microfractures in the Lac Du Bonnet Quartz Monzonite in southern Ontario Canada for Atomic Energy Canada Ltd. Following graduation, he worked for Dome Petroleum Ltd. from 1982–1988, after which he moved to Enron Oil and Gas Canada Ltd. During 1990–2000 Jim held Chief Geophysicist positions at Inverness Petroleum Ltd., Summit Resources Ltd. and Petromet Resources Ltd. before joining Apache Canada Ltd. in the summer of 2000. He accepted his current position of Manager of Geophysics Exploration with Apache Energy Ltd. in Australia in May 2006 and currently resides in Perth Australia. jim.ross@aus.apachecorp.com |
![]() Friedrich Roth received the MSc degree in geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines, USA, in 1999, and the PhD degree in technical science from the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 2005. From 2004 to 2006, he held a Marie Curie Research Fellowship at the Schlumberger-Riboud Product Center, France, in the area of resistivity borehole imaging. In autumn 2006, he joined the R&D division of Electromagnetic Geoservices, Norway, as a senior physicist, where he leads the scanning development. Member: SEG and EAGE. froth@emgs.com |
![]() Dave Monk is the Director of Geophysics at Apache Corporation. He is responsible for worldwide seismic activity including acquisition and processing in areas such as: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Egypt, North Sea and the domestic USA. Having completed a PhD in physics, he worked on seismic crews in Nigeria for two years, and has subsequently been involved in seismic processing and acquisition in most parts of the world. Monk has received “best paper” awards from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Canadian SEG, and was recipient of the Hagedoorn Award from the European Association of Exploration Geophysics. He was the first vice president of SEG in 2006. david.monk@apachecorp.com |
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