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Australian Energy Producers Journal Australian Energy Producers Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers
RESEARCH ARTICLE (Non peer reviewed)

From global upstream safety data to action

Olav Skår A , Mariana Carvalho A C , Wendy Poore A and Kirsty Walker B
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A IOGP, 40 Basinghall Street, London, EC2V 5DE, UK.

B Schlumberger Oilfield UK Plc, Peregrine Road, Westhill Business Park, Aberdeen, UK.

C Corresponding author. Email:

The APPEA Journal 60(2) 527-531
Accepted: 4 March 2020   Published: 15 May 2020


The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) is a global forum in which member companies identify and share best practices to achieve improvements in many areas, including upstream process safety. IOGP members encompass oil and gas companies, industry associations as well as major upstream service companies; collectively, members produce 40% of the world’s oil and gas. These member companies voluntarily report their annual safety data, which are used to compile an annual report on safety performance indicators. IOGP work groups use these data to identify industry-wide learning to enable an industry vision of no fatalities. This paper describes the trends and lessons learned from the most recent data received. The IOGP safety performance indicator dataset is the largest database of its kind in the upstream oil and gas industry, allowing the ability to analyse trends and learning from fatal incidents on an industry-wide basis. Having this large database of information and standardised reporting of fatality data by activity, category, Life-Saving Rule and causal factors allows trending and analysis on a scale that is not possible for any individual member company. The present paper provides an update on the upstream industry safety performance from the past 5 years of data collected, and discusses how this has led to Project Safira: eliminating fatalities in the upstream industry.

Keywords: fatality free, learning, performance metrics, personal safety, process safety, transportation safety.

Olav Skår was seconded from Shell to IOGP as Safety Director in 2019. He brings some 30 years of experience, mainly focused towards Wells activities in diverse and challenging environments. He has held roles from the purely technical through site, team and broader leadership in countries such as The Netherlands, UK, New Zealand, Thailand, Norway, Syria, Algeria, Qatar and now in London. On safety, specifically, he believes that systems and tools designed to manage risks are most effective when complemented with respect, care, inclusion and excellence in the planning and execution of our operational tasks. Olav is proud to be a Visiting Professor with Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen. He has contributed as a Trustee with The International Well Control Forum, served on the advisory panel of The International Association of Drilling Contractors and chaired the Oil and Gas UK Wells Forum. He is a long standing member of the SPE.

Mariana Carvalho is the Occupational & Process Safety Manager for the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP). Having started working for IOGP 8 years ago, supporting its safety work, Mariana has managed the publishing process, organised external events and is closely involved with the global safety data collection process. In her current role, she is now responsible for all Health and Safety projects and coordinates two standing technical committees and all related subcommittees and task forces. She has been instrumental in coordinating Project Safira, which aims to eliminate fatalities in the Upstream industry through work in the following four areas: Life-Saving Rules, aviation, process safety and motor vehicle crashes. Mariana holds a Chemistry degree from Imperial College London and a Masters in The Technology and Analysis of Archaeological Materials from UCL.

Wendy Poore has been employed as Data and Web Applications Specialist for the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) since 1998. She manages the reporting of global statistical data to IOGP by its member companies, produces the analyses and develops the databases and data-related websites. Working closely with the IOGP Data Subcommittees, she set up the existing Safety, Environment, Well Control Incident, Aviation and Health databases and their analyses, and, most recently, the new data website In addition, Wendy continues to work with the Subcommittees to produce up-to-date guidance documents and achieve the best possible data quality.

Kirsty Walker is the global Operational Performance Systems Project Manager – HSE at Schlumberger. She has over 25 years of experience in health, safety and environmental management in the upstream oil and gas industry. She has worked closely with the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers Association (IOGP) for the past 15 years, having chaired their Safety Data Subcommittee since 2010. This group produces annual reports on upstream lagging safety, process safety and motor vehicle crash data. She has also authored technical papers on identifying trends in these data and learning from the data, presented at Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and Energy Institute technical conferences. She also chaired the 2008–2011 IOGP Task Force to develop the initial upstream industry Life-Saving Rules and was vice chair of the Task Force to update the Life-Saving Rules from 2017–2019. She has also participated in the UK StepChange for Safety Human Factors group and the 2013–2014 review of the OPITO Minimum Industry Safety Training Standard for offshore workers. She is a regular Safety Committee member for SPE HSSESR regional and global technical conferences. Kirsty received her B.Eng. in Minerals Engineering from the Camborne School of Mines and her Ph.D. from the School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK


Carvalho, M., Walker, K., Odunlami, A., Mark, M., and Skår, O. (2020). Data driven update to industry Life-Saving Rules. The APPEA Journal 60, XXX–XXX.
Data driven update to industry Life-Saving Rules.Crossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |

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Walker, K., Toutain, P., and Poore, W. (2014b). Upstream oil and gas industry process safety event data: a first step. In ‘SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, and Environment’, 17–19 March, Long Beach, California, USA. (Society of Petroleum Engineers.) 10.2118/168514-MS

Walker, K., Hawkes, C., Poore, W., and Carvalho, M. (2018). Industry safety data, what is it telling us? In ‘SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility’, 16–18 April, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (Society of Petroleum Engineers.) 10.2118/190545-MS

Walker, K., Carvalho, M., Skår, O., Pedersen, K., Odunlami, A., and Lawrie, G. (2020a). ‘Upstream Industry Collaboration Delivers Refreshed Life-Saving Rules.’ Unpublished.

Walker, K., Fargie, D., Kannan, S. Skår. O, and Carvalho, M. (2020b). ‘Process Safety: Learning from Upstream Event Data.’ Unpublished.