Numerical simulation of CO2 injection into fractured gas condensate reservoirs*
A. Al-Abri A and R. Amin ACurtin University of Technology.
The APPEA Journal 51(2) 742-742
Published: 2011
More than sixty percent of the world’s remaining oil reserves are hosted by intensely fractured porous rocks, such as the carbonate sequences of Iran, Iraq, Oman or offshore Mexico (Bedoun, 2002). The high contrast of capillarity between the matrix and the fractures makes a significant difference in the recovery performance of fractured and non-fractured reservoirs (Lemonnier and Bourbiaux, 2010). Simulation of naturally fractured reservoirs is a challenging task from both a reservoir description and a numerical standpoint (Selley, 1998). This paper presents the recovery performance of CO2 injection into a local fractured and faulted gas condensate reservoir in Western Australia. Tempest 6.6 compositional simulation model was used to evaluate the performance of uncertain reservoir parameters, injection design variables, and economic recovery factors associated with CO2 injection. The model incorporates experimental IFT, relative permeability data and solubility data at various thermodynamic conditions for the same field. These measurements preceded the simulation work and are now published in various places. The model uses Todd-Longstaff mixing algorithm to control the displacement front expansion.
This paper will present, with aid of simulation output graph and tornado charts, the results of natural depletion, miscible and immiscible CO2 injection, waterflooding, WAG, sensitivity of fracture porosity, permeability and fracture intensity. The results also demonstrate the effect of initial reservoir composition, well completion and injection flow rate. All simulation cases were carried out at various injection pressures. The results are discussed in terms of transport mechanisms and fluid dynamics. This project was sponsored by a consortium of companies.
![]() Abdullah Al-Abri is postgraduate research student at Curtin University. Abdullah has published a number of peer-reviewed journals and conference papers. Abdullah’s main research interests include enhanced oil recovery, fluid flows and reservoir description and dynamics. |
![]() Professor Robert Amin has earned an international reputation for developing the innovative Microcell technology, now developed commercially as the Cryocell, to remove carbon dioxide from natural gas production streams. He has received numerous awards: the B-HERT (Business—Higher Education Round Table) award was for outstanding achievement in collaborative research and design with the industry. He received the runner-up West Australian Inventor of the Year Award in 2007—the Cryocell was runner-up in the ready-to-market category of the WA Inventor awards. He is the winner of the 2009 Curtin University annual Commercial Innovation Award for the Buffer Gas Technology. |
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