A. Goncharov, I. Deighton, P. Petkovic, H. Tassell, S. McLaren and D. Ryan
The APPEA Journal
46(1) 237 - 260
Published: 2006
A consistent approach to the assessment of basement and crustal controls on hydrocarbon maturation in the Bremer Sub-basin, offshore southwest Australia, has been undertaken as part of the Australian Government’s Big New Oil initiative. Geoscience Australia acquired marine reflection seismic survey in this area during late 2004 in conjunction with recording of refraction seismic data by sonobuoys at sea and by land stations in the onshore/offshore observation scheme. One of the key findings of the refraction seismic study is that velocities in the basement are generally in the 5.0–5.7 km/s range, indicating that, contrary to prior expectations, basement in the area is mostly not granitic in composition. Results from the conjugate margin in Antarctica also show low velocities in the basement on the inner side of Antarctic continent-ocean boundary, consistent with results from the Australian margin. It appears that a ~400-km-wide zone in Gondwana prior to break up had basement velocities significantly lower than the normal continental values of 6.0–6.2 km/s most commonly associated with granites and gneisses. Low-grade metasediments of the Albany-Fraser Orogen and its Antarctic equivalent is the preferred interpretation of this observation. Granites, dredged from the sea floor in the Bremer area, may represent only a small fraction of the basement, as within the basement highs where higher velocities have been detected by refraction work. As metasediments produce substantially less heat than granites, a different scenario for hydrocarbon maturation in the Bremer Sub-basin is possible. To quantify possible heat production in the Bremer basement and crust below it we have used contents of radioactive elements in rock samples taken from outcrops of Yilgarn Craton and Albany-Fraser Orogen onshore, as well as in rock samples dredged from the sea floor in the Bremer Sub-basin. Advanced burial and thermal geohistory modelling in this area was carried out using Fobos Pro modelling software for the first time in Australia without relying on default or inferred values (such as heat flow or geothermal gradient). Modelling showed that subsidence curves can be matched in various basement composition scenarios, but the high heat-producing granitic scenario leads to a present-day surface heat flow of 68 mW/m2 predicted by the model—unrealistically high given the context of heat flow measurements on the Australian Southern Margin. Other basement compositions (low heat- producing granite, metasediments, basalts) lead to a present-day surface heat flow of 46–57 mW/m2 and cannot be ruled out on the basis of heat flow modelling and data alone. This work details a methodologically consistent approach to burial and thermal geohistory modelling for other frontier areas where appropriate geophysical data have been collected.
© CSIRO 2006