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Environmental problems - Chemical approaches

Testing of the bioremediation on model substrates for complex refinery contaminants arising from accidental or deliberate facility damage

Tanja Jednak Berić A * , Miroslav M. Vrvić B , Marija Lješević C , Jelena Avdalović C , Mila Ilić C , Dragan Crnković D , Branimir Jovančićević A and Srđan Miletić C
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A Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 12–16, Belgrade, RS-11158 Serbia.

B BREM GROUP Ltd, Oslobodjenja 39b, Belgrade, RS-11090 Serbia.

C Institute for Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Njegoševa 12, Belgrade, RS-11001 Serbia.

D Institute of Public Health of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, Bulevar Despota Stefana 54a, Belgrade, RS-11108 Serbia.

* Correspondence to:

Handling Editor: Jason Unrine

Environmental Chemistry 21, EN23111
Submitted: 24 October 2023  Accepted: 6 July 2024  Published: 26 July 2024

© 2024 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing.


Environmental context

Mitigating the environmental fallout of industrial accidents is crucial. In a recent study, researchers conducted tests on model substrates to explore the effectiveness of bioremediation in treating complex refinery contaminants resulting from both accidental and deliberate facility damage. The research reveals that bioremediation can be a promising, eco-friendly solution for cleaning up such pollutants, aligning with broader efforts to combat environmental harm resulting from industrial incidents.


Bioremediation harnesses microorganisms’ diverse metabolic abilities to detoxify and eliminate pollutants, particularly hydrocarbon-based ones such as oil. This natural biodegradation process performed by microorganisms is a cost-effective method for environmental cleanup compared to other remediation technologies.


In this study, we examined the fate of heavy metals, cobalt and molybdenum, by the analysis of the basic chemical parameters of other sample components, such as n-hexane extractable substances and total petroleum hydrocarbons. The metal content was determined using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Exchangeable (loosely bound to the surface of particles and due to its high mobility and availability is crucial for understanding the potential immediate impact of metal contamination) and more stable fractions of the metal and the metal forms were determined using a sequential extraction method. The phase composition of the samples was determined by X-ray diffraction.


In our microbiological analysis, we isolated various cultures from a consortium of microorganisms. Basic chemical analysis indicators, such as n-hexane extractable substances, total petroleum hydrocarbons and humic acids, reflected robust microbiological activity. During the study, metals in exchangeable form decreased and those in more stable forms increased.


The sequential extraction of cobalt and molybdenum revealed shifts in various metal fractions within the bioaugmented substrate post-bioremediation, differing from the initial substrate. These alterations in metal fractions are likely attributable to microbial actions, leading to the formation of more stable metal fractions throughout the bioremediation process.

Keywords: bioremediation, catalyst for hydrodesulfurisation, cobalt, environmental cleanup, heavy metals, industrial accidents, metal pollution, model substrates, molybdenum, pilot plant, sustainable remediation.


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