A general strategy for the voltammetric trace determination of tellurium in geochemical and environmental matrices after arsenic coprecipitation and critical assessment of digestion schemes
Marc Biver A and Montserrat Filella
A Bibliothèque Nationale de Luxembourg, Annexe Kirchberg, 31, Blvd. Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg, L-1115, Luxembourg.
B Department F.-A. Forel, University of Geneva, Boulevard Carl-Vogt 66, Geneva, CH-1205, Switzerland.
C Corresponding author. Email: montserrat.filella@unige.ch
Environmental Chemistry 17(2) 85-92 https://doi.org/10.1071/EN19164
Submitted: 4 June 2019 Accepted: 27 September 2019 Published: 18 November 2019
Environmental context. Among chemical elements classified as elements of strategic importance, tellurium is rapidly becoming an emergent contaminant. There is, however, no accurate and sensitive method for measuring tellurium concentrations in environmental and geological samples (e.g., soils, sediments), and thus it is not possible to determine whether an ecosystem is being polluted by human activities. This study provides a reliable answer to this problem.
Abstract. A general method is proposed for the determination of tellurium in environmental and geochemical samples. Samples may be digested by any technique (acid or fusion digestion). The tellurium in the resulting solution is reductively coprecipitated with added arsenite by hypophosphorous acid, and the precipitate is redissolved and analysed by catalytic anodic stripping voltammetry. Several sample digestion techniques (acid and fusion digestions) are critically assessed. The method is applied to ore certified reference materials, with tellurium concentrations spanning three orders of magnitude, and sediment certified reference materials (ocean, lake and estuarine). An overall limit of detection (LOD) of 5 ppb is achieved. Acid digestion by H2SO4 and by HClO4 or sintering with Na2O2 in glassy carbon crucibles are shown to be the most adequate sample digestion techniques.
Additional keywords: geochemical samples, sediments, solid sample digestion, voltammetry.
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