Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.i
- iii
Applications of Electrochemistry to Environmental Chemistry
This Research Front grew out of a COST Action (www.cost.eu) ES801 workshop on ‘Voltammetry and GEOTRACES’ held in Croatia on 6–9 October 2012. The aim of the meeting was to critically discuss the role of voltammetric techniques for today’s chemical oceanography and especially in the current international GEOTRACES program. The Research Front features contributions examining a wide range of modern topics in environmental chemistry illustrating the applicability and adaptability of electrochemical methods.
Published 03 April 2014
Metal complexation by organic ligands (L) in near-pristine estuarine waters: evidence for the identity of L
Hollydawn Murray , Guillaume Meunier , Dagmar B. Stengel , Rachel Cave
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.89
- 99
Published 26 September 2013
Voltammetric characterisation of macroalgae-exuded organic ligands (L) in response to Cu and Zn: a source and stimuli for L
Hollydawn Murray , Guillaume Meunier , Constant M. G. van den Berg , Rachel R. Cave , Dagmar B. Stengel
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.100
- 113
Published 20 March 2014
A critical look at the calculation of the binding characteristics and concentration of iron complexing ligands in seawater with suggested improvements
Loes J. A. Gerringa , Micha J. A. Rijkenberg , Charles-Edouard Thuróczy , Leo R. M. Maas
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.114
- 136
Published 09 April 2014
Lead electrochemical speciation analysis in seawater media by using AGNES and SSCP techniques
Margarita Díaz-de-Alba , M. Dolores Galindo-Riaño , José Paulo Pinheiro
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.137
- 149
Published 31 March 2014
Scanned stripping chronopotentiometry at bismuth film rotating disc electrodes: a method for quantitative dynamic metal speciation
Jose Paulo Pinheiro , Luciana S. Rocha , Danielle Goveia , Raewyn M. Town
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.150
- 157
Published 25 March 2014
Constant current chronopotentiometric stripping characterisation of organic matter in seawater from the northern Adriatic, Croatia
Slađana Strmečki , Jelena Dautović , Marta Plavšić
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.158
- 166
Published 20 September 2013
Deposition and dissolution of metal sulfide layers at the Hg electrode surface in seawater electrolyte conditions
Ivana Milanović , Damir Krznarić , Elvira Bura-Nakić , Irena Ciglenečki
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.167
- 172
Published 27 March 2014
In-situ electrochemical method for detecting freely dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water
Abra Penezić , Blaženka Gašparović , Draženka Stipaničev , Andrew Nelson
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.173
- 180
Published 09 December 2013
The development of electrochemical methods for determining nanoparticles in the environment. Part I. Voltammetry and in-situ electrochemical scanning tunnelling microscopy (EC-STM) study of FeS in sodium chloride solutions
M. Marguš , N. Batina , I. Ciglenečki
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.181
- 186
Published 11 December 2013
The development of electrochemical methods for determining nanoparticles in the environment. Part II. Chronoamperometric study of FeS in sodium chloride solutions
Elvira Bura-Nakić , Marija Marguš , Ivana Milanović , Darija Jurašin , Irena Ciglenečki
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.187
- 195
Published 25 March 2014
Labilities of aqueous nanoparticulate metal complexes in environmental speciation analysis
Raewyn M. Town , Herman P. van Leeuwen
Environmental Chemistry 11 (2) pp.196
- 205