Characteristics, potential sources and interaction of carbonaceous components in PM2.5 in two adjacent areas in Shanxi, China
Xiaofeng Liu
Carbonaceous components in PM2.5 have a negative effect on the environment, human health and climate. We explored the pollution characteristic, potential sources and interaction of carbonous aerosols in two adjacent areas in Shanxi, China. The concentration levels of organic carbon and elemental carbon were of a moderate level of all those measured between 2009 and 2020. Vehicle exhaust and coal combustion were the two main sources, and Yuci may be affected by the regional transport of Taiyuan in winter.
Carbonaceous aerosols seriously affect people’s health and have a strong scattering effect on visible light. Pollution cuased by carbonaceous components in Taiyuan is serious. Numerous universities in Taiyuan have been moving to Yuci college town since 2013, and the amount of organic pollutants has increased gradually with the growing population. It is necessary to study the characteristics and relationship of carbonaceous aerosols in these two adjacent areas.
PM2.5 samples were collected in Taiyuan and Yuci college town in 2017 and 2018, and eight carbonaceous components were analysed using a Sunset Laboratory analyser. Pollution characteristic, potential sources and interaction of carbonous aerosols in the two adjacent areas were investigated.
The average organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations were 12.6 and 6.8 µg m−3 in Taiyuan and 11.7 and 6.9 µg m−3 in Yuci. The OC and EC concentrations in Taiyuan can be approximately divided into three levels between 2009 and 2020, and the OC and EC levels in Taiyuan studied here (2017 and 2018) were in the middle level. The OC and EC concentrations were higher when the temperature was lower.
The OC concentration in December was the highest among three winter periods, which may be caused by secondary organic carbon formation related to the lower temperature and an inversion layer. Four source categories were identified using positive matrix factorisation, namely secondary source (25.0%), dust source (16.6%), vehicle exhaust (27.0%) and coal combustion (31.4%). In Taiyuan and Yuci, the trajectory clusters were mainly from north-west and west in winter, whereas the air masses not only originated from north-west, but also north and south in autumn. Yuci may be affected by Taiyuan's regional transport in winter. The results clarify the characteristics of carbon aerosols in the two adjacent areas, and provide fundamental data for the prevention and control of regional air pollutants.
Keywords: air pollution, backward trajectories, correlation analysis, elemental carbon, organic carbon, PM2.5, positive matrix factorisation, source apportionment.
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