A review of inorganic contaminants in Australian marine mammals, birds and turtles
Chad V. Jarolimek A E , Josh J. King A , Simon C. Apte

A CSIRO Environment, New Illawarra Road, Menai, NSW 2234, Australia.
B Australian Registry of Wildlife Health, Taronga Conservation Society, Mosman, NSW 2088, Australia.
C Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security, School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld 4111, Australia.
D Science, Economics and Insights Division, Department of Planning and Environment, Lidcombe, NSW 2141, Australia.
E Present address: School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia.
![]() Chad Jarolimek is Technical Services Manager at the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. His background is in environmental analytical chemistry with a strong focus on the ultratrace analysis of inorganic contaminants in environmental matrices. |
![]() Josh King is a Research Scientist at CSIRO Environment, Lucas Heights, Australia. He has expertise in development and application of analytical methods for challenging environmental matrices. His research interests have focussed on the transport and fate of inorganic contaminants in environmental systems. |
![]() Dr Simon Apte is a Senior Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO Environment, Lucas Heights, Australia. His team specialises in the ultratrace analysis of trace elements in aquatic systems including the low level determination of mercury speciation in waters, sediments and biota. One of his main research activities is assessing the impacts on mining on aquatic systems particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. |
![]() Jane Hall is a PhD student in the Southern Ocean Persistent Organic Pollutants Program based within the Environmental Futures Research Institute at Griffith University, Australia. She is also a wildlife health specialist at the Australian Registry of Wildlife Health at the Taronga Conservation Society Australia. In 2016, she was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to investigate ways to improve Australia's capacity to manage wildlife disease incidents. Her research interests span both terrestrial and aquatic species under the One Health paradigm, and current studies are focused on the health of Australian fur seal species, specifically Arctocephalus forsteri. |
![]() Dr Anil Gautam holds a PhD in Chemistry from Macquarie University in Sydney. He has been working in NSW public service sectors for more than 12 years providing scientific advice to NSW government agencies to help them address chemical pollution issues. His area of expertise includes measuring and monitoring chemicals in the environment, analytical chemistry including laboratory management systems, providing scientific advice regarding chemical pollution incident and environmental data management and visualisation. |
![]() Dr Megan Louise Gillmore is a senior scientist in the Environmental Forensics team at the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Planning and Environment. Megan has a PhD in ecotoxicology and her research has primarily focussed on developing tools for assessing the impact of sediment-bound contaminants on the biological health of aquatic ecosystems. In her current role Megan plays a vital role responding to pollution incidents such as chemical spills and wildlife deaths by providing scientific evidence and technical expertise for the protection of the NSW community and environment. |
![]() Christopher Doyle is an ecotoxicologist with the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Planning and Environment where he leads a team of specialist scientists in providing pollution monitoring and impact assessment services to environmental regulators and incident management teams. Christopher has more than 20 years of experience in assessing the presence of chemical pollutants in the environment and has a particular research interest in the accumulation and effects of contaminants in marine wildlife. |
Environmental Chemistry 20(4) 147-170 https://doi.org/10.1071/EN23057
Submitted: 29 May 2023 Accepted: 11 August 2023 Published: 12 September 2023
© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY)
Environmental context. Metal concentrations can build up to potentially harmful levels in marine mammals as they are at the top of the food chain. This review summarises the information available on metal concentrations in marine mammals, birds and turtles from around Australia. Despite large data gaps, the available data suggest that metal concentrations are similar to those encountered in other regions of the world.
Abstract. A comprehensive compilation of the published data for trace element concentrations (metals and metalloids) in Australian marine mammals, birds and turtles is presented. The majority of studies have relied on the utilisation of opportunistically collected samples, animal strandings and bycatch. This has resulted in large gaps in geographical, temporal and species coverage data. For instance, little or no data are available for cetaceans in New South Wales or the Northern Territory, and out of 14 endemic species of dolphins, data only exist for seven species. The aforementioned data gaps make it hard to identify statistically significant trends, a problem compounded by data being reported in the form of ranges without raw data. Trace element concentrations measured in various marine species and their tissue types are extremely variable, with ranges typically spanning several orders of magnitude, but are generally comparable with international data. Trends in contaminant concentrations with tissue type follow generally accepted patterns of behaviour for higher organisms, with the highest mercury concentrations in liver and cadmium in kidney tissues. Herbivores have lower contaminant loadings than carnivores, reflecting the importance of diet, and there are identifiable age-related trends for elements such as mercury. The lack of supporting pathology on dead and stranded animals and data on specimens from uncontaminated locations restrict conclusions on organism health impacts. There have been some attempts to use non-invasive sampling of indicator tissues such as fur, bristle and feathers. However, it is currently difficult to extrapolate these data to estimate contaminant concentrations in major organs. Recommendations for future investigations are made.
Keywords: bioaccumulation, birds, cadmium, lead, marine fauna, mercury, trace elements, turtles.
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