Ammonia emissions from nitrogen fertilised agricultural soils: controlling factors and solutions for emission reduction
Catrin Rathbone A and Sami Ullah
A School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Birmingham Institute of Forest Research, University of Birmingham, UK.
![]() Catrin Rathbone completed her BSc (Hons) with distinction in Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham and was awarded the Best Dissertation Award. Her dissertation work focused on a systematic review of soil ammonia emissions in lieu of laboratory research due to laboratory access restrictions during COVID19 pandemic. The current manuscript is the outcome of her BSc dissertation: a rarity at this level. She is currently a McCall MacBain Clean Air Fellow studying for an MSc in Air Pollution Management & Control, University of Birmingham, where her research is focused on low cost air quality sensor source apportionment work. |
![]() Sami Ullah is a Professor of Biogeochemistry and Director of the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research at the University of Birmingham. He sat on the Nutrients Management Experts Group of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He uses an innovative blend of field manipulative studies, coupled with laboratory experimentation, to understand the key role of nitrogen availability in meeting plant demands and nitrogen gas emissions into air from soils under agricultural and forested ecosystems under land use and climate change scenarios. He worked with C. Rathbone on her dissertation research for producing this manuscript. |
Ammonia emissions from inorganic nitrogen fertilisers used in agriculture can impact air quality, human health and ecology. This study quantifies such emissions and their controlling factors from UK and Ireland agricultural soils. Emissions are variable and, from non-urea fertilisers, substantially exceed maximum emission factors used by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. This suggests that UK emission factors need to be refined further, with consideration of inter alia land-use, fertiliser type, soil pH and chemical inhibitors.
Ammonia (NH3) emissions from inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilisers applied to agricultural soils have negative implications for environmental quality and human health. Despite this, efforts to reduce NH3 emissions in the UK have achieved limited success. This study aims to provide an overview of NH3 emissions from UK and Ireland agricultural soils receiving N fertilisers, their regulating factors and the potential role of inhibitors in reducing current NH3 losses.
A systematic literature search was performed to identify relevant experimental data and studies, and the extracted data (total of 298 field fertilisation events) were categorised and analysed systematically.
NH3 emissions ranged from −4.00 to 77.00% of applied fertiliser-N lost as NH3. In addition to fertiliser type, NH3 losses were also significantly affected by land-use type and soil pH. Urease and combined urease and nitrification inhibitors significantly reduced emissions by 74.50 and 70.00% compared to uninhibited-urea respectively.
In addition to fertiliser types, land-use and soil pH were found as factors for consideration as modifiers to the maximum NH3 emission factor (EFmax) values currently used in the UK, in order to improve estimations of NH3 emissions, particularly from non-urea fertilisers. This is imperative as NH3 losses exceeded current EFmax limits, particularly in the case of non-urea fertilisers, by ~34%, implying that NH3 emissions estimated from UK synthetic fertiliser require further refinements. NH3 losses are not completely inhibited, inhibitors cannot be solely relied upon for tackling NH3 emissions from UK and Ireland fertiliser usage and further research is needed into alternative mitigation methods to further reduce NH3 losses.
Keywords: agriculture, ammonia, inorganic nitrogen fertilisers, Ireland, NH3 losses, nitrification inhibitors, Soil, UK, urea, urease inhibitors.
![]() Catrin Rathbone completed her BSc (Hons) with distinction in Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham and was awarded the Best Dissertation Award. Her dissertation work focused on a systematic review of soil ammonia emissions in lieu of laboratory research due to laboratory access restrictions during COVID19 pandemic. The current manuscript is the outcome of her BSc dissertation: a rarity at this level. She is currently a McCall MacBain Clean Air Fellow studying for an MSc in Air Pollution Management & Control, University of Birmingham, where her research is focused on low cost air quality sensor source apportionment work. |
![]() Sami Ullah is a Professor of Biogeochemistry and Director of the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research at the University of Birmingham. He sat on the Nutrients Management Experts Group of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He uses an innovative blend of field manipulative studies, coupled with laboratory experimentation, to understand the key role of nitrogen availability in meeting plant demands and nitrogen gas emissions into air from soils under agricultural and forested ecosystems under land use and climate change scenarios. He worked with C. Rathbone on her dissertation research for producing this manuscript. |
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