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Volatile organic compounds sources in Paris in spring 2007. Part I: qualitative analysis

Valérie Gros A E , Cécile Gaimoz A , Frank Herrmann B , Tom Custer B , Jonathan Williams B , Bernard Bonsang A , Stéphane Sauvage C D , Nadine Locoge C D , Odile d’Argouges A , Roland Sarda-Estève A and Jean Sciare A
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A Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE), Unité Mixte CEA-CNRS-UVSQ (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), F-91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

B Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Air Chemistry Department, D-55128 Mainz, Germany.

C Université de Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille, France.

D Ecole des Mines Douai, Département Chimie Environnement, F-59508 Douai, France.

E Corresponding author. Email:

Environmental Chemistry 8(1) 74-90
Submitted: 24 June 2010  Accepted: 20 October 2010   Published: 28 February 2011

38 articles found in Crossref database.

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Bsaibes Sandy, Gros Valérie, Truong François, Boissard Christophe, Baisnée Dominique, Sarda-Esteve Roland, Zannoni Nora, Lafouge Florence, Ciuraru Raluca, Buysse Pauline, Kammer Julien, Gomez Lais Gonzaga, Loubet Benjamin
Atmosphere. 2020 11(3). p.261
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Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 48(11).
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Chalbot Marie-Cecile G., Nicolis Ioannis, Guihenneuc-Jouyaux Chantal, Kavouras Ilias G.
Particuology. 2016 28 p.60
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Volatile organic compounds sources in Paris in spring 2007. Part II: source apportionment using positive matrix factorisation
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Ethane measurement by Picarro CRDS G2201-i in laboratory and field conditions: potential and limitations
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Seasonal variability and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the Paris megacity (France)
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von Schneidemesser Erika, McDonald Brian C., Denier van der Gon Hugo, Crippa Monica, Guizzardi Diego, Borbon Agnes, Dominutti Pamela, Huang Ganlin, Jansens‐Maenhout Greet, Li Meng, Ou‐Yang Chang‐Feng, Tisinai Shelby, Wang Jia‐Lin
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Borbon Agnes, Gilman J. B., Kuster W. C., Grand N., Chevaillier S., Colomb A., Dolgorouky C., Gros V., Lopez M., Sarda‐Esteve R., Holloway J., Stutz J., Petetin H., McKeen S., Beekmann M., Warneke C., Parrish D. D., de Gouw J. A.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2013 118(4). p.2041
Large contribution of water-insoluble secondary organic aerosols in the region of Paris (France) during wintertime
Sciare Jean, d'Argouges Odile, Sarda-Estève Roland, Gaimoz Cécile, Dolgorouky Cristina, Bonnaire Nicolas, Favez Olivier, Bonsang Bernard, Gros Valérie
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Identification of marine and continental aerosol sources in Paris using high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry
Crippa Monica, El Haddad Imad, Slowik Jay G., DeCarlo Peter F., Mohr Claudia, Heringa Maarten F., Chirico Roberto, Marchand Nicolas, Sciare Jean, Baltensperger Urs, Prévôt André S. H.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2013 118(4). p.1950
Anthropogenic sources of VOC in a football stadium: Assessing human emissions in the atmosphere
Veres Patrick R., Faber Peter, Drewnick Frank, Lelieveld Jos, Williams Jonathan
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Atmospheric measurements of ratios between CO<sub>2</sub> and co-emitted species from traffic: a tunnel study in the Paris megacity
Ammoura L., Xueref-Remy I., Gros V., Baudic A., Bonsang B., Petit J.-E., Perrussel O., Bonnaire N., Sciare J., Chevallier F.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2014 14(23). p.12871
Spatial and temporal variability of BTEX in Paris megacity: Two-wheelers as a major driver
Salameh T., Sauvage S., Locoge N., Gauduin J., Perrussel O., Borbon A.
Atmospheric Environment: X. 2019 1 p.100003
Middle East oil and gas methane emissions signature captured at a remote site using light hydrocarbon tracers
Germain-Piaulenne Emeric, Paris Jean-Daniel, Gros Valérie, Quéhé Pierre-Yves, Pikridas Michael, Baisnée Dominique, Berchet Antoine, Sciare Jean, Bourtsoukidis Efstratios
Atmospheric Environment: X. 2024 22 p.100253
Total OH reactivity measurements in Paris during the 2010 MEGAPOLI winter campaign
Dolgorouky C., Gros V., Sarda-Esteve R., Sinha V., Williams J., Marchand N., Sauvage S., Poulain L., Sciare J., Bonsang B.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2012 12(20). p.9593
Exploiting stagnant conditions to derive robust emission ratio estimates for CO<sub>2</sub>, CO and volatile organic compounds in Paris
Ammoura Lamia, Xueref-Remy Irène, Vogel Felix, Gros Valérie, Baudic Alexia, Bonsang Bernard, Delmotte Marc, Té Yao, Chevallier Frédéric
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2016 16(24). p.15653
Variability of hydroxyl radical (OH) reactivity in the Landes maritime pine forest: results from the LANDEX campaign 2017
Bsaibes Sandy, Al Ajami Mohamad, Mermet Kenneth, Truong François, Batut Sébastien, Hecquet Christophe, Dusanter Sébastien, Léornadis Thierry, Sauvage Stéphane, Kammer Julien, Flaud Pierre-Marie, Perraudin Emilie, Villenave Eric, Locoge Nadine, Gros Valérie, Schoemaecker Coralie
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Exploring the seasonal NMHC distribution in an urban area of the Middle East during ECOCEM campaigns: very high loadings dominated by local emissions and dynamics
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Urban flux measurements reveal a large pool of oxygenated volatile organic compound emissions
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A reassessment of the budget of formic and acetic acids in the boundary layer at Dumont d'Urville (coastal Antarctica): The role of penguin emissions on the budget of several oxygenated volatile organic compounds
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Atmospheric Environment. 2020 243 p.117803
Can we separate industrial CH4 emission sources from atmospheric observations? - A test case for carbon isotopes, PMF and enhanced APCA
Assan Sabina, Vogel F.R., Gros V., Baudic A., Staufer J., Ciais P.
Atmospheric Environment. 2018 187 p.317

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