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Factors affecting the cycling of dimethylsulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in coral reef waters of the Great Barrier Reef

Graham Jones A B D , Mark Curran A C , Andrew Broadbent A , Stacey King B , Esther Fischer B and Rosemary Jones B
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- Author Affiliations

A Marine Chemistry Group, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811, Australia.

B Centre for Regional Climate Change Studies, School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW 2480, Australia.

C Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas. 7001, Australia.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Environmental Chemistry 4(5) 310-322
Submitted: 30 October 2006  Accepted: 1 October 2007   Published: 2 November 2007

44 articles found in Crossref database.

Quantification of total and particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in five Bermudian coral species across a depth gradient
Yost D. M., Jones R., Rowe C. L., Mitchelmore Carys Louise
Coral Reefs. 2012 31(2). p.561
Effects of increased temperature on dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentration and methionine synthase activity in Symbiodinium microadriaticum
McLenon Amanda L., DiTullio Giacomo R.
Biogeochemistry. 2012 110(1-3). p.17
Atmospheric dimethysulphide production from corals in the Great Barrier Reef and links to solar radiation, climate and coral bleaching
Fischer Esther, Jones Graham
Biogeochemistry. 2012 110(1-3). p.31
Spatial Heterogeneity of Air–Sea Energy Fluxes over a Coral Reef—Heron Reef, Australia
MacKellar Mellissa C., McGowan Hamish A., Phinn Stuart R.
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2012 51(7). p.1353
The Flux and Emission of Dimethylsulfide From the Great Barrier Reef Region and Potential Influence on the Climate of NE Australia
Jones Graham, Curran Mark, Deschaseaux Elisabeth, Omori Yuko, Tanimoto Hiroshi, Swan Hilton, Eyre Bradley, Ivey John, McParland Erin, Gabric Albert, Cropp Roger
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2018 123(24).
Coral-Associated Bacteria and Their Role in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Sulfur
Raina Jean-Baptiste, Tapiolas Dianne, Willis Bette L., Bourne David G.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2009 75(11). p.3492
Do the organic sulfur compounds DMSP and DMS drive coral microbial associations?
Raina Jean-Baptiste, Dinsdale Elizabeth A., Willis Bette L., Bourne David G.
Trends in Microbiology. 2010 18(3). p.101
Coral-reef-derived dimethyl sulfide and the climatic impact of the loss of coral reefs
Fiddes Sonya L., Woodhouse Matthew T., Lane Todd P., Schofield Robyn
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2021 21(8). p.5883
Climate Change Impacts on the Marine Cycling of Biogenic Sulfur: A Review
Jackson Rebecca, Gabric Albert
Microorganisms. 2022 10(8). p.1581
Characterization of aerosols over the Great Barrier Reef: The influence of transported continental sources
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Science of The Total Environment. 2019 690 p.426
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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2018 503 p.41
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Environmental Chemistry. 2016 13(2). p.239
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Jones Graham B., Fischer Esther, Deschaseaux Elisabeth S.M., Harrison Peter L.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2014 460 p.19
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2013 118(6). p.2547
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Swan Hilton B., Ivey John P., Jones Graham B., Eyre Bradley D.
Analytical Methods. 2015 7(9). p.3893
Dimethylsulphide and dimethylsulphoniopropionate in the South-West Indian Ocean sector of East Antarctica from 30° to 80°E during BROKE-West
Jones Graham, Fortescue Darren, King Stacey, Williams Guy, Wright Simon
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Tapiolas D. M., Motti C. A., Holloway P., Boyle S. G.
Coral Reefs. 2010 29(3). p.621
CMIP6 projections of ocean warming and the impact on dimethylsulfide emissions from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Jackson Rebecca L., Woodhouse Matthew T., Gabric Albert J., Cropp Roger A.
Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022 9
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Exton Dan A., McGenity Terry J., Steinke Michael, Smith David J., Suggett David J.
Global Change Biology. 2015 21(4). p.1383
Dimethyl sulfide and other biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from branching coral and reef seawater: potential sources of secondary aerosol over the Great Barrier Reef
Swan Hilton B., Crough Robert W., Vaattovaara Petri, Jones Graham B., Deschaseaux Elisabeth S. M., Eyre Bradley D., Miljevic Branka, Ristovski Zoran D.
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. 2016 73(3). p.303
Steinke Michael, Brading Patrick, Kerrison Philip, Warner Mark E., Suggett David J.
Journal of Phycology. 2011 47(4). p.775
Dimethylsulphoniopropionate as a water quality indicator of coral bleaching: Implications for monitoring studies on the Great Barrier Reef
Fischer Esther, Jones Graham
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021 164 p.112081
The contribution of coral-reef-derived dimethyl sulfide to aerosol burden over the Great Barrier Reef: a modelling study
Fiddes Sonya L., Woodhouse Matthew T., Utembe Steve, Schofield Robyn, Alexander Simon P., Alroe Joel, Chambers Scott D., Chen Zhenyi, Cravigan Luke, Dunne Erin, Humphries Ruhi S., Johnson Graham, Keywood Melita D., Lane Todd P., Miljevic Branka, Omori Yuko, Protat Alain, Ristovski Zoran, Selleck Paul, Swan Hilton B., Tanimoto Hiroshi, Ward Jason P., Williams Alastair G.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022 22(4). p.2419
Effects of ocean warming and coral bleaching on aerosol emissions in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Jackson Rebecca, Gabric Albert, Cropp Roger
Scientific Reports. 2018 8(1).
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Shah Sofia B.
Rapid Communication: Experimental Evidence that Juvenile Pelagic Jacks (Carangidae) Respond Behaviorally to DMSP
DeBose Jennifer L., Nevitt Gabrielle A., Dittman Andrew H.
Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2010 36(3). p.326
Coral reefs as a source of climate-active aerosols
Jackson Rebecca L., Gabric Albert J., Cropp Roger
PeerJ. 2020 8 p.e10023
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Burdett Heidi L., Hatton Angela D., Kamenos Nicholas A.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2015 29(10). p.1845
Ethnobiology of Corals and Coral Reefs (2015)
Jones Graham B.
Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols (2016)
Franchini Filippo, Steinke Michael
Parameterizing the Impact of Seawater Temperature and Irradiance on Dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the Great Barrier Reef and the Contribution of Coral Reefs to the Global Sulfur Cycle
Jackson R. L., Gabric A. J., Matrai P. A., Woodhouse M. T., Cropp R., Jones G. B., Deschaseaux E. S. M., Omori Y., McParland E. L., Swan H. B., Tanimoto H.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2021 126(3).
Quantification of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in Acropora spp. of reef-building coral using mass spectrometry with deuterated internal standard
Swan Hilton B., Deschaseaux Elisabeth S. M., Jones Graham B., Eyre Bradley D.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2017 409(7). p.1929
Determination of total and particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations in four scleractinian coral species: A comparison of methods
Yost Denise M., Mitchelmore Carys L.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2010 395(1-2). p.72
Dimethylsulfide (DMS), marine biogenic aerosols and the ecophysiology of coral reefs
Jackson Rebecca L., Gabric Albert J., Cropp Roger, Woodhouse Matthew T.
Biogeosciences. 2020 17(8). p.2181
Coral Reef Emissions of Atmospheric Dimethylsulfide and the Influence on Marine Aerosols in the Southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Jackson R. L., Gabric A. J., Woodhouse M. T., Swan H. B., Jones G. B., Cropp R., Deschaseaux E. S. M.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2020 125(7).
Coral animals combat stress with sulphur
Jones Graham
Nature. 2013 502(7473). p.634
Air exposure of coral is a significant source of dimethylsulfide (DMS) to the atmosphere
Hopkins Frances E., Bell Thomas G., Yang Mingxi, Suggett David J., Steinke Michael
Scientific Reports. 2016 6(1).
Uptake of Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) by Natural Microbial Communities of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia
Fernandez Eva, Ostrowski Martin, Siboni Nachshon, Seymour Justin R., Petrou Katherina
Microorganisms. 2021 9(9). p.1891
Coral reef aerosol emissions in response to irradiance stress in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Cropp Roger, Gabric Albert, van Tran Dien, Jones Graham, Swan Hilton, Butler Harry
Ambio. 2018 47(6). p.671

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