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The Use of the ‘Ammonium Diffusion’ Method for δ15N-NH4+ and δ15N-NO3− Measurements: Comparison with Other Techniques

Mathieu Sebilo A C , Bernhard Mayer B , Micheline Grably A , Daniel Billiou A and André Mariotti A
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A UMR BIOMCO, Université Pierre et Marie Curie—INRA-CNRS, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France.

B Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Calgary, Calgary, T2N 1N4, Canada.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Environmental Chemistry 1(2) 99-103
Submitted: 16 April 2004  Accepted: 7 July 2004   Published: 21 October 2004

75 articles found in Crossref database.

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Billy Claire, Billen Gilles, Sebilo Mathieu, Birgand François, Tournebize Julien
Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2010 42(1). p.108
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2013 110(45). p.18185
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Bryophytes and Organic layers Control Uptake of Airborne Nitrogen in Low-N Environments
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Isotopes Reveal the Moderating Role of Ammonium on Global Riverine Water Nitrogen Cycling
Matiatos Ioannis, Monteiro Lucilena R., Sebilo Mathieu, Soto David X., Gooddy Daren C., Wassenaar Leonard I.
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Chabbi Abad, Sebilo Mathieu, Rumpel Cornelia, Schaaf Wolfgang, Mariotti André
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Different fates of deposited and in a temperate forest in northeast China: a 15N tracer study
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Assessing Nitrification and Denitrification in the Seine River and Estuary Using Chemical and Isotopic Techniques
Sebilo Mathieu, Billen Gilles, Mayer Bernhard, Billiou Daniel, Grably Micheline, Garnier Josette, Mariotti André
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Tracing the contribution and fate of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer in young apple orchard agrosystems
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