Exploration Geophysics
Volume 31 Numbers 1 & 2 2000
T. Mackey, K. Lawrie, P. Wilkes, T. Munday, N. Kovacs, R. Chan, D. Gibson, C. Chartres and R. Evans
pp. 1-7
EG00008Regional structure and distribution of magnetite: implications for the interpretation of aeromagnetic data in the Broken Hill region, New South Wales
D.W. Maidment, G.M. Gibson and J.W. Giddings
pp. 8-16
EG00017Drilling-constrained 3D gravity interpretation
P.K. Fullagar, N.A. Hughes and J. Paine
pp. 17-23
EG00024The nature of the basement to the Cooper Basin region, South Australia
T.J. Meixner, P.J. Gunn, R.K. Boucher, T.N. Yeates, L.M. Richardson and R.A. Frears
pp. 24-32
EG00039Drape corrections of aeromagnetic data using wavelets
T. Ridsdill-Smith and M. Dentith
pp. 39-46
EG00052The total-field geomagnetic coast effect: The CICADA97 line from deep Tasman sea to inland New South Wales
A.P. Hitchman, P.R. Milligan, F.E.M. Lilley, A. White and G.S. Heinson
pp. 52-57
EG00058Enhancement of airborne magnetic data using the variation method of fractal dimension estimation
T. Dhu, M. Dentith and R.R. Hillis
pp. 58-65
EG00066Screening kimberlite magnetic anomalies in magnetically active areas
D.R. Cowan, L.A. Tompkins and S. Cowan
pp. 66-72
EG00073Maximum noise fraction method reveals detail in aerial gamma-ray surveys
B. Dickson and G. Taylor
pp. 73-77
EG00084Aeromagnetic drape corrections applied to the Turner Syncline, Hamersley Basin
M.F. Flis and D.R. Cowan
pp. 84-88
EG00089Bathymetry sediment thickness and crustal structure from satellite gravity data
D. Woodward and R. Wood
pp. 89-93
EG00104Enhancement of subtle features in aeromagnetic data
M. Dentith, D.R. Cowan and L.A. Tompkins
pp. 104-108
EG00109The determination and application of vector gravity anomalies
W.E. Featherstone, M. Dentith and J.F. Kirby
pp. 109-113
EG00115Modelling the airborne electromagnetic response of a vertical contact
D. Annetts, F. Sugeng, J. Macnae and A. Raiche
pp. 115-125
EG00134EM-coupling removal from time-domain IP data
P.K. Fullagar, B. Zhou and B. Bourne
pp. 134-139
EG00150Current channelling in time-domain airborne electromagnetic data
J. Reid and J. Macnae
pp. 150-157
EG00158Efficient solution of full domain 3D electromagnetic modelling problems
Z. Xiong, A. Raiche and F. Sugeng
pp. 158-161
EG00162An example of 3D conductivity mapping using the TEMPEST airborne electromagnetic system
R. Lane, A. Green, C. Golding, M. Owers, P. Pik, C. Plunkett, D. Sattel and B. Thorn
pp. 162-172
EG00173Broadband (ULF-VLF) surface impedance measurements using MIMDAS
S.J. Garner and D.V. Thiel
pp. 173-178
EG00179Airborne electromagnetic bathymetry of Sydney Harbour
J. Vrbancich, M. Hallett and G. Hodges
pp. 179-186
EG00187Electromagnetic investigation of the Eyre Peninsula conductivity anomaly
I. Popkov, A. White, G. Heinson, S. Constable, P. Milligan and F.E.M. (Ted) Lilley
pp. 187-191
EG00201The role of geophysics in the discovery and delineation of the Cosmos Nickel Sulphide Deposit, Leinster area, Western Australia
B. Craven, T. Rovira, T. Grammer and M. Styles
pp. 201-209
EG00210The Maggie Hays and Emily Ann nickel deposits, Western Australia: a geophysical case history
B. Peters and P. Buck
pp. 210-221
EG00229Physical properties of the regolith in the Lawlers area, Western Australia
D. Emerson, J. Macnae and D. Sattel
pp. 229-235
EG00236Towards grade estimation via automated interpretation of geophysical boreholelogs
G.N. Fallon, P.K. Fullagar and B. Zhou
pp. 236-242
EG00243Geophysical exploration in the Xi-cheng lead-zinc orefield, Gansu Province, China
W. Guo, M. Dentith and Y. Zhao
pp. 243-247
EG00249The use of ground EM systems to accurately assess salt store and help define land management options, for salinity management
D.L. Bennett, R.J. George and B. Whitfield
pp. 249-254
EG00255Fractured rock geophysical studies in the Clare Valley, South Australia
T. Wilson, G. Heinson, A. Endres and T. Halihan
pp. 255-259
EG00260Petrophysical characterisation of parna using ground and downhole geophysics at Marinna, central New South Wales
T.J. Munday, N.S. Reilly, M. Glover, K.C. Lawrie, T. Scott, C.J. Chartres and W.R. Evans
pp. 260-266
EG00267A braver approach to seismic velocity analysis in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
D. Humphris and J. Ravens
pp. 267-269
EG00270The effects of spatial sampling on refraction statics
D. Palmer, B. Goleby and B. Drummond
pp. 270-274
EG00281Shear wave observation using a down-hole hydrophone array
N. Kano, T. Inazaki and M. Takahashi
pp. 281-286
EG00287Crustal structure across the Vulcan sub-basin from seismic refraction and gravity data
P. Petkovic, C.D.N. Collins and D.M. Finlayson
pp. 287-294
EG00295Environmentally sensitive 3D land seismic survey design; a case study
P. van Baaren and T. Brice
pp. 295-299
EG00315Crosshole resistivity imaging of aquifer properties
S. Greenhalgh, B. Zhou and J. Zhe
pp. 315-320
EG00321Underground seismic reflection experiment in a gold mine
S.A. Greenhalgh and S. Bierbaum
pp. 321-327
EG00337Inversion technique for transverse isotropy with a tilted symmetry axis
R. Li, P. Okoye and N. Uren
pp. 337-342
EG00343Pushing coal seismic to its limits through computer aided interpretation and 3D seismics
B. Zhou and P. Hatherly
pp. 343-346
EG00347Seismic velocities in the North West Shelf region, Australia, from near-vertical and wide-angle reflection and refraction studies
A. Goncharov, G. O'Brien and B. Drummond
pp. 347-352
EG00372Influence of anisotropic elastic parameters on seismic imaging: numerical and physical modelling studies
P.N. Okoye and N. Uren
pp. 372-382
EG00383High-resolution seismic imagery of palaeochannels near West Wyalong, New South Wales
C. Leslie, L. Jones, É Papp, K. Wake-Dyster, T.J. Deen and K. Gohl
pp. 383-388
EG00389Seismic refraction inversion of a palaeochannel system in the Lachlan Fold Belt, Central New South Wales
T.J. Deen, K. Gohl, C. Leslie, E. Papp and K. Wake-Dyster
pp. 389-393
EG00394Diffraction stacking with stacking velocity analysis ? its application to a surface seismic survey in an active fault area
J. Matsushima, S. Rokugawa, T. Yokota, T. Miyazaki and Y. Kato
pp. 394-400
EG00401Acoustic wave velocity modelling in sedimentary sequences
M. Wiltshire and L. Huggard
pp. 401-408
EG00409Delineation of reservoir boundary using AVO analysis
D. Santoso, W.G.A. Kadir and S. Alawiyah
pp. 409-412
EG00413Magnetic signatures produced by fluid flow in porous sediments
M.F. Middleton, D. Winkler, M. Bick and T. Sahlin
pp. 413-417
EG00424Basement reactivation and control of Neogene structures in the Outer Browse Basin, North West Shelf
M. Keep and S.J. Moss
pp. 424-432
EG00433Effects of porosity and clay content on P- and S-wave velocities in Cooper Basin Sandstones
A. Khaksar and C. Griffiths
pp. 433-440
EG00441Estimating pore pressure in the Cooper Basin, South Australia: sonic log method in an uplifted basin
P. van Ruth and R. Hillis
pp. 441-447