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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Regional structure and distribution of magnetite: implications for the interpretation of aeromagnetic data in the Broken Hill region, New South Wales

D.W. Maidment, G.M. Gibson and J.W. Giddings

Exploration Geophysics 31(2) 8 - 16
Published: 2000


Magnetic anomalies in the Palaeoproterozoic Willyama Supergroup in the Broken Hill region have a number of different sources, including stratiform magnetite, structurally controlled magnetite and magnetite in igneous rocks. Magnetic sedimentary units are relatively uncommon; most metasedimentary rocks are chemically reduced and host few stratiform anomalies. Exceptions include units within the Paragon Group and volumetrically minor banded iron formation. Structurally controlled anomalies are common across the region and are caused by magnetite in high-temperature shear zones, tectonic fabrics, or in high-strain zones developed along the contact between rocks of contrasting competency. Magnetite formation occurred more than once during the deformational history, during both high-grade and lower-grade metamorphism. Many of the observed linear anomalies coincide with the regional S3 fabric, which formed during upper greenschist to amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Retrograde shear zones are generally magnetite-destructive and form linear zones of low magnetic intensity. Amphibolite has a generally low magnetic susceptibility, although certain units have a high susceptibility, possibly due to alteration as a result of fluid flow. The abundance of structurally controlled anomalies and the relative paucity of stratigraphic anomalies hamper the detailed extrapolation of lithological units beneath cover and means that a 'magnetic stratigraphy' is difficult to construct for the Willyama Supergroup. Rather, aeromagnetic data are more useful in the delineation of high-strain zones that have acted as channels for fluid flow, resulting in the formation or destruction of magnetite. Tracing these zones of fluid flow has potential benefits for the reconstruction of mineralising systems and magnetite formed in these zones may have acted as a chemical trap for metals such as gold.

© ASEG 2000

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