Exploration Geophysics
Volume 23 Numbers 1 & 2 1992
C.G. Anderson and K.J. Logan
pp. 1-8
EG992017Acquisition and signal processing of ground-penetrating radar for shallow exploration and open-pit mining
P.L. Baker and J.P. Cull
pp. 17-22
EG992023Using layer replacement to improve velocity analysis beneath near-surface reefs
G. Beresford, S. Carroll and D. Mair
pp. 23-26
EG992033Geophysical characteristics of the Eloise Cu?Au deposit north-west Queensland
R.F. Brescianini, M.W. Asten and N. McLean
pp. 33-42
EG9920433-D pre-stack depth migration: implementation and case history
J. Cabrera, W. Perkins, W. Lynn, D. Ratcliffe and W. French
pp. 43-46
EG992047A novel VSP method for fault proximity detection using low velocity waveguides
S. Cao and S. Greenhalgh
pp. 47-50
EG992057 Bi-directional optimal reduction of dimensionality in multi-channel seismic signal processing using neural networks
Z. Cheng-Dang, G. Yong-Zhong, J. Zhen-Wu and G. Shu Quan
pp. 57-60
EG992061Comparison of magnetotelluric data with drilling results in Papua New Guinea
K.R. Christopherson
pp. 61-64
EG992065Magnetic petrology: application of integrated rock magnetic and petrological techniques to geological interpretation of magnetic surveys
D.A. Clark, D.H. French, M.A. Lackie and P.W. Schmidt
pp. 65-68
EG992069The deep velocity structure beneath the Gippsland basin from long-offset seismic data
C.D.N. Collins, J.P. Cull, J.B. Colwell and J.B. Willcox
pp. 69-74
EG992083Statistical methods for estimates of heat flow in Australia
J.P. Cull and G.R. Beardsmore
pp. 83-86
EG992097Mapping the regolith using seismic refraction and magnetic data: results from the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, Western Australia
M.C. Dentith, B.J. Evans, K.F. Paisch and A. Trench
pp. 97-104
EG992105Three-dimensional structure of greenstone belts in Western Australia: implications for gold exploration
M.C. Dentith, M. House, J.R. Ridley and A. Trench
pp. 105-110
EG992111 Exploration for gold-bearing iron formation in the Burbidge area of the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, W.A.
M.C. Dentith, M.L. Jones and A. Trench
pp. 111-116
EG992123SALTMAP ? airborne EM for the environment
A.C. Duncan, G. P Roberts, G. Buselli, J.P. Pik, D.R. Williamson, P.A. Roocke, R.G. Thorn and A. Anderson
pp. 123-126
EG992127Attentuation of coherent noise using automatic direction median filtering
G. Duncan and G. Beresford
pp. 127-132
EG992133An appraisal of the geophysical effects of the Mount Isa ore bodies
G.N. Fallon and S. Busuttil
pp. 133-140
EG992145Digital reprocessing of shallow seismic data from the Great Barrier Reef
S.J. Hearn and A.L. Christensen
pp. 145-152
EG992163Spatial sampling effects of a multi-source multi-cable recording configuration
M.R. Hobson, A.J. Arnold and R.C. Cooper
pp. 163-166
EG992167Anisotropy and mis-ties in seismic data: A modelling study
C. Juhlin and M. Windhofer
pp. 167-172
EG992173The influence of the shear-wave structure of the sea bed on the seismic wavefield
B.L.N. Kennett
pp. 173-176
EG992177Reflection seismic sources for defining coal seam structure
P.D. Lamb, J. Saunders and D. Sweeney
pp. 177-184
EG992185Mainly magnetics: Mathinna beds and gold mineralisation in NE Tasmania
D.E. Leaman
pp. 185-190
EG992191Morphology of the Late proterozoic to Early palaeozoic Officer Basin, South Australia
J.H. Leven and J.F. Lindsay
pp. 191-196
EG992197A comparison of airborne and ground transient EM systems in their resolving power against geological noise
G. Liu and M. Asten
pp. 197-200
EG992201Electromagnetic responses from seismically excited targets B: non-piezoelectric phenomena
M. Maxwell, R.D. Russell, A.W. Kepic and K.E. Butler
pp. 201-208
EG992213AVO and inversion mapping ? Campbell Gas Field, Barrow Sub-Basin, WA
M.I. Micenko
pp. 213-218
EG992219Pixel map preparation using the HSV colour model
P.R. Milligan, M.P. Morse and S. Rajagopalan
pp. 219-224
EG992241A new interpretation of geological structure of Tempoku Coal Field by crooked-line survey
O. Nakano, M. Endo, E. Ishii and H. Watanabe
pp. 241-248
EG992267Fault-scattered seismic guided waves in a shallow coal seam
D.R. Pant, S.A. Greenhalgh and S. Cao
pp. 267-272
EG992281Electromagnetic responses from seismically excited targets A: Piezoelectric phenomena at Humboldt, Australia
R.D. Russell, M. Maxwell, K.E. Butler and A.W. Kepic
pp. 281-286
EG992287Multi-component seismic event correlation in coherent noise
M.J. Rutty and S.A. Greenhalgh
pp. 287-292
EG992293Wavefield decomposition using spectral matrix techniques
M.J. Rutty and G.M. Jackson
pp. 293-298
EG992305Anti-aliasing and amplitude preserving 2D and 3D DMO ? some practical considerations
R. Silva and P. Haskey
pp. 305-310
EG992311New magnetic and gravity images of Victoria, Australia
B. Simons, R. McDonald and J. Withers
pp. 311-316
EG992323Magnetic exploration beneath a near-surface magnetic noise source
J.M. Stanley, S. Sertsrivanit and P.J. Clark
pp. 323-326
EG992327VSP over deep coal using vibrator and explosive
D.B. Stewart, M.J. Harrap, F. Wenzel and G. Yu
pp. 327-332
EG992339The magnetic anomaly map of Australia
C. Tarlowski, F. Simonis, A. Whitaker and R. Milligan
pp. 339-342
EG992353New insights into the structure and subdivision of the Ravenswood Batholith ? a geophysical perspective
K.T. Woods and I. Rienks
pp. 353-360
EG992361Geophysics of the century zinc-lead-silver deposit, northwest Queensland
G. Thomas, E.M. Stolz and A.J. Mutton
pp. 361-366
EG992367Base metal applications of the radio imaging method. Current status and case studies
S. Thomson, J. Young and N. Sheard
pp. 367-372
EG992373Palaeomagnetic dating of mineral deposits: a brief review and a Western Australian perspective
A. Trench, M.C. Dentith and Z.X. Li
pp. 373-380
EG992387The improvement in seismic resolution by Map and Trace attribute analysis
M. Urosevic, B.J. Evans and P.J. Hatherly
pp. 387-392
EG992393Geophysical interpretation and modelling of three-dimensional structure in the Duchess area, Mount Isa, Australia
R.K. Valenta, M.W. Jessell, G. Jung and J. Bartlett
pp. 393-400
EG992441Enhancement and integration of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric and Landsat imagery for regolith mapping ? Cape York Peninsula
J.R. Wilford, C.F. Pain and J.C. Dohrenwend
pp. 441-446
EG992453Effect of porosity and permeability on seismic reflections from aquifers
D.J. Woodward and A.J. Haines
pp. 453-458
EG992459Non-linear inversion travel-time tomography: imaging high-contrast inhomogeneities
B. Zhou, C. Sinadinovski and S.A. Greenhalgh
pp. 459-464