Exploration Geophysics
Volume 21 Numbers 1 & 2 1990
Engineering Geophysics Workshop
Editor: J. C. Dooley
EG990045Vertical seismic shear wave profiling (VSSP) for engineering assessment of soils
R.J. Whiteley, R. Fell and J.P. MacGregor
pp. 45-52
EG990053Analysis of induced polarization and radiometric logs from a test borehole in Hawkesbury Sandstone
E.D. Tyne and D.H. Daggar
pp. 53-63
EG990073Geotechnical applications of downhole sonic and neutron logging for surface coal mining
A.L. Davies and D.A. McManus
pp. 73-81
EG990083A new method of downhole-crosshole seismics for geotechnical investigation
R.J. Whiteley, W.H. Holmes and R.D. Dowle
pp. 83-89
EG990091The use of high-definition magnetics in engineering site investigation
J.M. Stanley and M.K. Cattach
pp. 91-103