Exploration Geophysics
Volume 19 Numbers 1 & 2 1988
EG988007A geophysical site investigation of a water supply scheme ? case study
F.R. AI-Rawi and D.S. Mahmood
pp. 7-12
EG988029The role of intensive seismic reflection processing in understanding the offshore Otway Basin
F.M. Brassil, S.P. Kravis and P.E. Williamson
pp. 29-32
EG988034Geothermal signatures and uranium ore deposits on the Stuart Shelf of South Australia
J.P. Cull, G.A. Houseman, P.M. Muir and H.L. Paterson
pp. 34-38
EG988041Resolving overburden characteristics via shear wave propagation
A.M. Davis and J.D. Bennell
pp. 41-44
EG988054Tomographic estimation of seismic velocity on an interactive workstation
S.A. Edwards and P.G. Rogers
pp. 54-60
EG988078Alternative stacking techniques for deep crustal data
B.R. Goleby, B.L.N. Kennett and C. Wright
pp. 78-82
EG988088Seismic expression of the Upper Morrow sands, western Anadarko basin, USA
J.R. Halverson
pp. 88-91
EG988091An integrated approach to interactive seismic interpretation
F. Inouye and R.G. Williams
pp. 91-93
EG988094Offset vertical seismic profiling in New Zealand ? A case history
A. James, G. Bulte and D. Mullen
pp. 94-101
EG988101A non-linear optimization technique for the inversion of long range refraction profiles
Z. Koren and A. Ginzburg
pp. 101-105
EG988106Waves in discontinuous coal seams with absorption: finite difference simulations
M. Korn and H. Emmerich
pp. 106-108
EG988114The Talgeberry Birkhead reservoir? a seismic stratigraphic study
M.I. Micenko and J. Torkington
pp. 114-118
EG988119Application of a recently developed inversion procedure to seismic data from the Gippsland Basin
B.J. Moore and G.R. Sutton
pp. 119-122
EG988125Development of the programmable TVG-TVF seismic profiler
K. Nishimura, K. Tamaki and K.Yormits u
pp. 125-128
EG988128Some results and conclusions from recent reconnaissance 3-D seismic offshore New Zealand
D.J. Norris and P.P.C. Griffiths
pp. 128-135
EG988141NOAA satellite thermal imagery interpretation of ATP 354P, western Queensland
R. Russell and D.W. Lappi
pp. 141-147
EG988151Synthetic shear VSP's in azimuthally anisotropic media
M. Schoenberg, S. Mallick and L.N. Frazer
pp. 151-157
EG988158Removal of reflection point smearing and the dip-dependence of the stacking velocities
I. Sincer and M.A. Ak
pp. 158-162
EG988169Comparison of radio imaging method (RIM) electromagnetic wave tomography with in-mine geological mapping in the Liddell, Bulli and Wongawilli coal seams
L. Stolarczyk, G. Rogers and P. Hatherly
pp. 169-170
EG988171Interpretation of seismic refraction data with a personal computer on-site
C.H. Stoyer
pp. 171-174
EG988175A physical model study of shear-wave splitting and fracture intensity
R.H. Tatham, M.D. Matthews and K.K. Sekharan
pp. 175-178
EG988179Seismic reflection amplitude (dim spot) study over the Goodwyn Gas Field, North West Shelf, Australia
L.A. Tilbury and P M. Smith
pp. 179-183
EG988190Experimental analysis of the polarity of vibrator and impulsive source data
C.B. Wason, R.A. Brook and L.J. Meister
pp. 190-192
EG988193Field trials of non-seismic geophysical techniques for petroleum exploration in New South Wales
S.S. Webster and K.T. Woods
pp. 193-198
EG988214Lateral variations in seismic velocities in the central Australian region from both conventional and experimental seismic reflection profiling
C. Wright, T. Barton and B.R. Goleby
pp. 214-219
EG988223Increased flexibility in marine seismic recording systems
T. Allen, G. Mansfield and J. Wardell
pp. 223-226
EG988226Mapping and monitoring of toxic wastes with subsurface electrical resistivity arrays
T. Asch and H.F. Morrison
pp. 226-228
EG988235The application of geophysics on the West Coast of Tasmania
J.R. Bishop and R.J.G. Lewis
pp. 235-236
EG988237Source directivity and its effects on resolution and signature deconvolution
J.G. Brummitt
pp. 237-240
EG988240The mapping of groundwater contamination with TEM and DC methods
G. Buselli, C. Barber and A. Zerilli
pp. 240-243
EG988244The use of electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility tensors in rock fabric studies
D.A. Clark, D.W. Emerson and T.L. Kerr
pp. 244-248
EG988260A comparison of minimum phase `correlation' and its role in seismic data misties
N.A. Fitzgerald
pp. 260-264
EG988268A report on some magnetic modelling experiments for image processing applications
R.G. Gallagher, B.D. Johnson and A.A. Green
pp. 268-274
EG988274Seismic lithologic modelling of amplitude-versus-offset data
V. Gelfand, P. Ng, H. Nguyen and K. Larner
pp. 274-276
EG988276A new resistivity meter, featuring fully automatic measurement and a built in analysis program
T. Goebuchi, H. Shima and T. Hara
pp. 276-280
EG988280The relevance of network computing concepts in the geophysical workstation environment
S. Hearn, C. Astill and P. Davies
pp. 280-281
EG988281A study of surface seismic waves with the assistance of a new tool ? particle motion records
D.H. Heath, R.A. Young and B.J. Evans
pp. 281-289
EG988290The measurement and interpretation of EM impedance data at frequencies up to 100 kHz
H. Holstein, J. Phillips, G. Hockley and T.P. Lewis
pp. 290-293
EG988294Geomagnetic fluctuation anomalies across the southeast Australian coast
R.L. Kellet, A. White, I.J. Ferguson and F.E.M. Lilley
pp. 294-297
EG988299Off-line deep-towed seismic profiler
K. Kisimoto, K. Nishimura, T. Miyazaki, M. Joshima, F. Murakami and T. Ishihara
pp. 299-301
EG988309Case studies and modelling advances in producing conductivity-depth sections
J. Macnae and Y. Lamontagne
pp. 309-312
EG988322Transient electromagnetic responses of high-contrast prisms in a layered earth
G.A. Newman and G.W. Hohmann
pp. 322-324
EG988329Transfer function estimation for natural electromagnetic fields
E.A. Nichols, C. Torress-Verdin and H.F. Morrison
pp. 329-330
EG988331Estimation of intrusive rocks from topographic effect removed magnetic map in Hakkoda Volcanic Area, Japan
Y. Okubo and K. Ogawa
pp. 331-335
EG988338Determination of the location and extent of karst in limestone with the use of geophysical methods
A.G. Rafek and G. Duplitzer
pp. 338-342
EG988342Phase correction and vertical resolution enhancement of seismic data utilizing post stack wavelet extraction from well data
C.R.T. Ramsden, M.R. Hobson and P.Carte r
pp. 342-347
EG988348Seismic ray tomography using the method of damped least squares
H. Saito and H. Ohtomo
pp. 348-351
EG988351Applications of underground synthetic electrical surveys in searching for non-ferrous metal deposits ? some case histories.
W. Shaoguang and L. Dexin
pp. 351-354
EG988358Depth imaging of reservoirs using well logs, VSP and surface seismic data
R.R. Stewart
pp. 358-361
EG988362A processing technique for three component seismic data: use of polarisation characteristics
T. Takahashi, K. Ohta and H. Ohtomo
pp. 362-364
EG988365Timedomain electromagnetic responses of a polarizable target
L. Thomas and T. Lee
pp. 365-367
EG988368The magnetisation of the Elura orebody, Cobar, NSW
C. Tonkin, D.A. Clark and D.W. Emerson
pp. 368-370
EG988370Radar probing through 600 metres of Zechstein salt
R.R. Unterberger and J.H. Mims
pp. 370-373
EG988373Application of geophysics to saline reclamation of farmland in W.A.
S.M. West and J.G. Linford
pp. 373-376
EG988393A review of the development of a digital log database for petroleum exploration
M.J. Wiltshire
pp. 393-397
EG988397Incorporation of curved rays in Fourier-based tomographic reconstruction
J.A. Young, S.C. Banninster and R.G. Rogers
pp. 397-400