Synthesis of the tectonic and sedimentological evolution of the Canning Basin
J.M. Reilly
Exploration Geophysics
19(2) 135 - 141
Published: 1988
Detailed geophysical mapping of the Canning Basin incorporating seismic, gravity, magnetic and well data was combined with published global tectonic studies to develop a model of the structural and depositional evolution of the basin. Data indicate that (1) the Cambro-Ordovician section in the Fitzroy Trough is similar to that penetrated on the platform areas, (2) Siluro-Devonian (?) Caribuddy evaporites were originally thin, and Devonian Carbonates are absent, within the northern Fitzroy Trough and (3) the Tandalgoo. Sandstone and Middle?Upper Devonian carbonate sequence are chronostratigraphic equivalents. The evolution of the basin can be correlated to the orogenic history of Gondwanaland and is summarised as follows: (1) Cambro-Ordovician platform development, (2) Silurian-Devonian restricted basin development, uplift, followed by platform and trough initiation, (3) Devonian-Carboniferous extension, (4) Carboniferous convergent wrenching and uplift, (5) Carboniferous-Triassic downwarp, (6) Triassic convergent wrenching, (7) Jurassic uplift, erosion, followed by regional subsidence, (8) Post Jurassic uplift and extension. Examination of the structural history of the basin has direct applications in: (1) extension of the Ordovician and Devonian carbonate plays to the south and along the basin margins, (2) further evaluation of the large anticlinal structures within the Fitzroy Trough, and (3) development of play concepts for the Kidson Sub-basin.
© ASEG 1988