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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

RINVERT for Windows Software for the interpretation of resistivity soundings

N.P. Merrick and E. Poezd

Exploration Geophysics 28(2) 110 - 113
Published: 1997


The usual interpretation model for resistivity soundings is a one-dimensional Earth which consists of multiple horizontal layers, each isotropic and homogeneous. The standard interpretation method is least-squares inversion. This paper introduces a software package called RINVERT for Windows which has been developed in Australia for the routine interpretation of resistivity soundings in a WindowsĂ” environment. It has been designed to handle the Schlumberger, Wenner and Bipole?Bipole electrode arrays. For feasibility studies, training, or testing the closeness of an initial model, RINVERT for Windows provides a forward modelling facility as an adjunct to its least-squares inverse modelling procedure. An important feature of RINVERT for Windows is the incorporation of a Monte Carlo equivalence analysis which allows an automatic assessment of the extent of equivalence in each layer. Most of the effort required in preparing the resistivity survey report has been obviated by an automatic report generator, which generates and captions high quality figures and tables ready for incorporation in a report. An extensive Help facility, which is useful for novices, includes a hypertext glossary and an explanation of resistivity method fundamentals. The software is supported by a 110-page Users Guide with a step-by-step tutorial.

© ASEG 1997

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