Exploration Geophysics
Volume 28 Numbers 1 & 2 1997
Z. Bing and S.A. Greenhalgh
pp. 1-5
EG997006Finding sphalerite at Broken Hill with drillhole magnetometric resistivity
J. Bishop, N. Carroll, M. Asten, M. Hatch and S. Macinnes
pp. 6-10
EG9970112.5-D acoustic wave modelling in the frequency-wavenumber domain
S. Cao and S. Greenhalgh
pp. 11-15
EG997021Terrain corrections are critical for airborne gravity gradiometer data
J. Chen and J.C. Macnae
pp. 21-25
EG997026Compilation of geophysical signatures of South Australian mineral deposits: a progress report
M.C. Dentith and T.N. Crabb
pp. 26-28
EG997029Geophysical modelling of structure and tectonostratigraphic history of the Longford Basin, Northern Tasmania
N.G. Direen and D.E. Leaman
pp. 29-33
EG997034Geophysical indicators of controls on soil salinisation and implications, Longford Basin, Northern Tasmania
N.G. Direen and M.J. Roach
pp. 34-38
EG997039McArthur Basin architecture ? a new perspective from geophysics and GIS
M.L. Duffett and D.E. Leaman
pp. 39-42
EG997043Processing magnetotelluric data with modern statistical and numerical techniques
K.M. Edwards and L.M. Hastie
pp. 43-47
EG997052On the use of the geoid in geophysics: a case study over the North West Shelf of Australia
W.E. Featherstone
pp. 52-57
EG997058The Otway Continental Margin Transect: crustal architecture from wide-angle seismic profiling
D.M. Finlayson, I.S. Lukaszyk, E.C. Chudyk and C.D.N. Collins
pp. 58-62
EG997063Some causes of artefacts in 3-D seismic surveys and strategies to minimise them
M. Galbraith and M. Hall
pp. 63-65
EG997066Fluid inclusion record of early oil preserved at Jabiru field, Vulcan Sub-Basin
S.C. George, M. Lisk, P.J. Eadington, F.W. Krieger, R.A. Quezada, P.F. Greenwood and M.A. Wilson
pp. 66-71
EG997072A method for calculating equivalent layers corresponding to large aeromagnetic and radiometric grids
P.J. Gunn and R. Almond
pp. 72-79
EG997088Modelling the contemporary stress field and its implications for hydrocarbon exploration
R.R. Hillis, M. Sandiford, D.D. Coblentz and S. Zhou
pp. 88-93
EG997110RINVERT for Windows Software for the interpretation of resistivity soundings
N.P. Merrick and E. Poezd
pp. 110-113
EG997114Estimation of effective porosity, Tirrawarra Sandstone, Cooper Basin, Australia
M.R. Rezaee and N.M. Lemon
pp. 114-118
EG997123Scale-dependent electrical properties of sulphide rocks ? new methods and techniques
M.J. Roach, R.J.G. Lewis and W. Jablonski
pp. 123-126
EG997130Fast and stable method for 3-D modelling of electromagnetic field
B.Sh. Singer and E.B. Fainberg
pp. 130-135
EG997136Fracture detection using P-wave AVO measurements
S.V. Tadepalli, J.A. McDonald, K.K. Sekharan and R.H. Tatham
pp. 136-140
EG997150Large-scale electrical conductivity structure of Australia from magnetometer arrays
L.J. Wang, F.E.M. Lilley and F.H. Chamalaun
pp. 150-155
EG997156A new era! ? collaborative geological and geophysical mapping
N.D. Watson, M.T.C. Leys, T.A. Macklin and D.F. Robson
pp. 156-160
EG997161Seismic processing in areas of complex near-surface velocity fields: a case study
P. Whiting, N. Hendrick, W. Muir and B. Suthers
pp. 161-165
EG997166Accurate 3-D DMO for land and patch geometries: a practical approach and application to multi-fold field data
R.G. Williams, N.J. Cooper, R. Wombell and C.D. Notfors
pp. 166-169
EG997170Rapid automated determination of shallow velocity?depth structure using first breaks and the generalised reciprocal method
X. Xie, J.C. Macnae and D. Palmer
pp. 170-177
EG997178Poisson's ratio contrast and AVO responses: model study
B. Yang and J.K. Applegate
pp. 178-180
EG997181Determination of permeability transforms from geophysical logs using statistical pattern recognition: The Mardie greensand
Y. Zhang, P.A. Loilback, H.A. Salisch and J. Schulz-Rojahn
pp. 181-184
EG997192Imaging properties of modern 3-D seismic acquisition systems
C.J. Beasley and E. Mobley
pp. 192-194
EG997195The application of geophysics to iron ore mining in the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia
A.L. Butt and M.F. Flis
pp. 195-198
EG997204A case study on geophysical gridding techniques: INTREPID perspective
D. FitzGerald, N. Yassi and P. Dart
pp. 204-208
EG997209The Vanuatu mineral exploration initiative
P.J. Gunn, J. Mitchell, P. Pieters and S. Temakon
pp. 209-213
EG997214The structure and evolution of the Bass Basin as delineated by aeromagnetic data
P.J. Gunn, J. Mitchell and A. Meixner
pp. 214-219
EG997220New algorithms for visually enhancing airborne geophysical data
P.J. Gunn, D. FitzGerald, N. Yassi and P. Dart
pp. 220-224
EG997225The basement elements of Tasmania
P.J. Gunn, T.E. Mackey, A.N. Yeates, R.G. Richardson, D.B. Seymour, M.P. McClenaghan, C.R. Calver and M.J. Roach
pp. 225-231
EG997235Geological interpretation of high-resolution airborne geophysical data in the Broken Hill Region
R. Haren, S. Liu, G.M. Gibson, D.L. Gibson, D.W. Maidment and P. Gunn
pp. 235-241
EG997242Application of electrical techniques for iron ore exploration
P.J. Hawke and M.F. Flis
pp. 242-246
EG997247Structural interpretation of a sedimentary basin using high-resolution magnetic and gravity data
R.P. Iasky, A.J. Mory and S. Shevchenko
pp. 247-251
EG997260Three-dimensional kinematic modelling of the magnetic field of the southern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf
A.J. Melxner and P.J. Gunn
pp. 260-264
EG997265 3-D prestack time migration ? an application to the Ravva 3-D dataset, offshore India
J. Montalbetti, P. Whiting and L. Brooks
pp. 265-269
EG997276Palaeomagnetism, magnetic petrophysics and magnetic signature of the Porgera intrusive complex, Papua New Guinea
P.W. Schmidt, D.A. Clark and K.J. Logan
pp. 276-280
EG997281Eastern Victoria: a new exploration frontier?
B. Simons, A. Oranskaia, S. Haydon, P. McDonald, K.R. Slater, R. Twyford and D. Bibby
pp. 281-285
EG997286A new regional exploration method for detecting hydrocarbon alteration plumes: the ALTREXĂ” method
R. Smith and J. Rowe
pp. 286-291
EG997292Magnetic and gravity modelling of the Renison tin mine, Tasmania
S.S.J. Roberts and S.T. Mudge
pp. 292-295
EG997296The New South Wales government's discovery 2000 ? geophysical surveys and their effect on exploration
D.F. Robson and R. Spencer
pp. 296-298