Wheat must flower at an optimal time in a given environment to maximise yield. It has been proposed that the variation in alleles of five major development genes could be used to predict flowering time. Comparing genotypes matched for alleles of these five genes in controlled conditions, we show that allelic variation could not accurately predict time of flowering.

Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 69 Number 11 2018
CP18271Exogenous spermidine improves drought tolerance in maize by enhancing the antioxidant defence system and regulating endogenous polyamine metabolism
Drought stress is a primary abiotic constraint affecting crop production worldwide. It has been established that exogenous spermidine (Spd) stimulates plant tolerance to drought stress. In this study, we found that exogenous Spd successfully reduced oxidative damage by enhancing the antioxidant components, raising the redox state of ascorbate and glutathione, and altering the polyamine pool, and improved plant drought tolerance in maize.
CP18306Genotype × environment interaction and genetic association of grain iron and zinc content with other agronomic traits in RIL population of pearl millet
Majority of the population of developing and under-developed countries are deficient of Fe and Zn which are vital for proper human body development. Pearl millet is staple food in many states of India and poverty ridden area of world. Hence, stable pearl millet lines for Fe and Zn contents are selected on the basis of their performance in diverse environments which can be used for further breeding programs.
CP18004Response of lentil to high temperature under variable water supply and carbon dioxide enrichment
This study builds our fundamental understanding of lentil response to the net effect of heatwave conditions, soil-water availability and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. For lentil exposed to acute high temperature during pod-filling, increased soil-water did not reduce the effect of high temperature. The CO2 concentration under which lentils were grown did not significantly affect plant response for heat-affected and non-heat-affected plants.
CP18004 Abstract | CP18004 Full Text | CP18004PDF (435 KB) Open Access Article
CP18259Targeting test environments and rust-resistant genotypes in lentils (Lens culinaris) by using heritability-adjusted biplot analysis

The major findings are: (i) HA-GGE biplot analysis revealed three distinct mega-environments for rust severity in India; (ii) GE interaction had the greatest impact (27.81%) on rust severity, whereas environment and genotype showed lower effects of 17.2% and 20.98%, respectively; and (iii) three genotypes, DPL 62, PL 165 and PL 157 were found best performing and durable for rust resistance.
CP18214Phenotypic and genotypic signature of saponin chemical composition in Chinese wild soybean (Glycine soja): revealing genetic diversity, geographical variation and dispersal history of the species
We identified 32 phenotype and 34 genotypes of saponin composition in 3805 Chinese wild soybeans. Geographical differentiation was characterised mainly by latitudinal differences, with two primary geographical groups (north and south) based on saponin genes. Chinese wild soybean accessions differed from Japanese and South Korean ones in genetic structure based on saponin composition, the latter two being likely to have spread from southern China in the glacial stages during the last Ice Age.
CP18049Genetics of post-drought recovery, persistence and summer dormancy in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata)

Summer dormancy, persistence and recover after long drought stress are important traits associated with drought tolerance and yield sustainability in Dactylis glomerata. The moderate to high narrow-sense heritability for yield components, summer dormancy and persistence suggested that these traits can be used in an appropriate selection index to enhance forage yield and persistence and identify desirable genotypes for arid and semi-arid regions.
Association analyses of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) indicate that simultaneous improvement of seed and forage yield could be achieved in orchardgrass at normal and water stress conditions. Some markers showed a putative relationship with multiple yield-related traits and drought tolerance index across environments. Suggested markers are potentially important targets for determine their chromosome locations, the corresponding sequences and their potential functions.
CP18182Morphological, environmental and management factors affecting nutritive value of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum)
The study quantified the relative importance of leaf age and leaf length on the forage digestibility declined during vegetative pasture regrowth. Both leaf age and length were linked to differences in leaf morphogenesis and sheath tube length and were affected by growing conditions. The results suggest that the morphological linkage between longer sheath tubes with older and longer leaves and lower digestibility can be controlled through shorter residual pasture height.