Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 61 Number 4 2010
CP09282Emerging opportunities and challenges for Australian broadacre agriculture
B. A. Keating and P. S. Carberry
pp. 269-278
CP09212 Elevated levels of acid and alkaline phosphatase activity in roots and rhizosphere of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) genotypes grown in mixed culture and at different densities with sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)
Joachim H. J. R. Makoi, Samson B. M. Chimphango and Felix D. Dakora
pp. 279-286
CP09235Effects of sowing date and cultivar on spike weight and kernel number in durum wheat
Simona Bassu, Francesco Giunta and Rosella Motzo
pp. 287-295
CP09288Growing-season rainfall, ear number and the water-limited potential yield of wheat in south-western Australia
Heping Zhang, Neil C. Turner, Narelle Simpson and Michael L. Poole
pp. 296-303
CP09257Prediction of seed coat proportion in narrow-leafed and yellow lupins by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
D. Alomar, M. Mera, J. Errandonea and H. Miranda
pp. 304-309
CP09362Effect of high-molecular-weight glutenin allele, Glu-B1d, from synthetic hexaploid wheat on wheat quality parameters and dry, white Chinese noodle-making quality
Yonglu Tang, Wuyun Yang, Yuanqi Wu, Chaosu Li, Jun Li, Yuchun Zou, Fang Chen and Daryl Mares
pp. 310-320
CP09362 Abstract | CP09362 Full Text | CP09362PDF (291 KB) Open Access Article
CP09264Control of Beet western yellows virus in Brassica napus crops: infection resistance in Australian genotypes and effectiveness of imidacloprid seed dressing
B. A. Coutts, C. G. Webster and R. A. C. Jones
pp. 321-330
CP09258Changes in soil water content under annual, perennial, and shrub-based pastures in an intermittently dry, summer-rainfall environment
G. M. Lodge, M. A. Brennan, S. Harden and S. P. Boschma
pp. 331-342