Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 59 Number 12 2008
AR08177Genotypic differences in leaf area maintenance contribute to differences in recovery from water stress in soybean
R. J. Lawn and A. A. Likoswe
pp. 1075-1085
AR08104Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with salt tolerance during seedling growth in soybean (Glycine max L.)
Huatao Chen, Shiyou Cui, Sanxiong Fu, Junyi Gai and Deyue Yu
pp. 1086-1091
AR08084A method to differentiate summer-dormant from summer-active tall fescue and orchardgrass accessions at germination stage
Dariusz P. Malinowski, David P. Belesky, Betty A. Kramp, Joyce Ruckle, Jaime Kigel and William E. Pinchak
pp. 1092-1102
AR08209Strategies for developing a core collection of bladder clover (Trifolium spumosum L.) using ecological and agro-morphological data
K. Ghamkhar, R. Snowball, B. J. Wintle and A. H. D. Brown
pp. 1103-1112
AR08110Tomato irrigation scheduling improved by using percent canopy cover and crop developmental stage
Oner Cetin, Demet Uygan and Hasan Boyaci
pp. 1113-1120
AR08040Effects of planting season and plant cultivar on growth, development, and pod production in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Marlene Pérez-Barbeito, Ana María González, Ana Paula Rodiño, Antonio Miguel De Ron and Marta Santalla
pp. 1121-1129
AR08113Further studies on Pea seed-borne mosaic virus in cool-season crop legumes: responses to infection and seed quality defects
B. A. Coutts, R. T. Prince and R. A. C. Jones
pp. 1130-1145
AR08066 Histopathology comparison and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) gene expressions in Fusarium wilt infected watermelons
P.-F. L. Chang, C.-C. Hsu, Y.-H. Lin, K.-S. Chen, J.-W. Huang and T.-D. Liou
pp. 1146-1155
AR08015Benefits of winter legume cover crops require early sowing
A. Gselman and B. Kramberger
pp. 1156-1163