Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 24 Number 4 1973
AR9730465Four strains of sugarcane mosaic virus infecting cereals and other grasses in Australia
DS Teakle and NE Grylls
pp. 465-477
AR9730511A preliminary agronomic evaluation of Stylosanthes species
LA Edye, RL Burt, WT Williams, RJ Williams and B Grof
pp. 511-525
AR9730527Illuminance, stomatal opening, and photosynthesis in sorghum and cotton
D Pasternak and GL Wilson
pp. 527-532
AR9730557Heavy metal toxicities: levels of nickel, cobalt and chromium in the soil and plants associated with visual symptoms and variation in growth of an oat crop
AJ Anderson, DR Meyer and FK Mayer
pp. 557-571
AR9730579 Identifying the mating performance of individual rams in field flocks
TW Knight and DR Lindsay
pp. 579-585
AR9730613The performance of calves given concentrate diets treated with formaldehyde
GJ Faichney and HL Davies
pp. 613-621