Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 30 Number 3 1979
AR9790403 Slow rusting and tolerance to rusts in wheat I. The progress and effects of epidemics of Puccinia graminis tritici in selected wheat cultivars
RG Rees, JP Thompson and RJ Mayer
pp. 403-419
AR9790421 Slow rusting and tolerance to rusts in wheat. II. The progress and effects of epidemics in Puccinia recondita tritici in selected wheat cultivars
RG Rees, JP Thompson and EA Goward
pp. 421-432
AR9790467Selection in Lupinus albus L. for lower seed manganese concentration
RN Oram, DJ David, AG Green and BJ Read
pp. 467-476
AR9790477Growth, leaf physiology and fruit development in salt-stressed guavas
RR Walker, PE Kriedemann and DH Maggs
pp. 477-488
AR9790489Survival of potato strain (race 3) of Pseudomonas solanacearum in the deeper soil layers
J Graham and AB Lloyd
pp. 489-496
AR9790497Toxicity of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides to predaceous phytoseiid mites and their prey
SW Wong and RB Chapman
pp. 497-501
AR9790503Secretion and absorption of phosphorus in the gastrointestinal tract of sheep fed on four diets
DP Poppi and JH Ternouth
pp. 503-512
AR9790513Studies of weaned lambs before, during and after a period of weight loss. I. Energy and nitrogen utilization
N McCGraham and TW Searle
pp. 513-523
AR9790525Studies of weaned lambs before, during and after a period of weight loss. II Body composition
TW Searle, NMcC Graham and E Smith
pp. 525-531
AR9790543Herbage digestion in the stomach and intestines of weaner lambs at different stages of their maturity
RH Weston and DE Margan
pp. 543-549
AR9790551Utilization of lupin stubbles by merino sheep: studies of animal performance, rates and time of stocking, lupinosis, liver copper and zinc, and circulating plasma enzymes
KP Croker, JG Allen, DS Petterson, HG Masters and RF Frayne
pp. 551-564
AR9790565 The nutrition of ruminants grazing native and improved pastures. IV.* Long-term effects of the quantity of superphosphate applied on the nutritive value of the diet selected by sheep grazing a pasture originally sown to Phalaris aquatica and Trifolium repens
JP Langlands, JE Bowles and GE Donald
pp. 565-575