Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 16 Number 4 1965
AR9650517Aneuploidy in Sorghum almum Parodi and Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.
AJ Pritchard
pp. 517-523
AR9650557Varietal variation in the isoflavone content of subterranean clover: Its estimation by a microtechnique
CM Francis and AJ Millington
pp. 557-564
AR9650565Isoflavone mutations in subterranean clover. I. Their production, characteristics and inheritance
CM Francis and AJ Millington
pp. 565-573
AR9650617The interrelation of susceptibility to breakdown, cell size, and nitrogen and phosphorus levels in Jonathan apple fruits
D Martin, NS Stenhouse, TL Lewis and J Cerny
pp. 617-625
AR9650661Body composition in vivo. VII. Relation between red cell volume and total body water in ewes
BA Panaretto and DA Little
pp. 661-665
AR9650675The influence of the chemical composition of the diet on liveweight change in sheep
JE Vercoe and WB Hall
pp. 675-690
AR9650691Peyronellaea glomerata — A fungus growing within the fibres of the unshorn fleece
AP Mulcock
pp. 691-697
AR9650699Vital statistics for an experimental flock of Merino sheep. II. The influence of age on reproductive performance
HN Turner and CHS Dolling
pp. 699-712
AR9650713The toxicity of Indigofera enneaphylla L. in rats
LR Murray, T Moore and IM Sharman
pp. 713-720