Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 14 Number 2 1963
AR9630154An investigation of the Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus as a primary or associated cause of premature ripening or "Deadheads" in wheat
RD Price and LL Stubbs
pp. 154-164
AR9630239 The use of chromium oxide to estimate the faecal output of Merinos
LJ Lambourne and TF Reardon
pp. 239-256
AR9630257 The use of chromium oxide and faecal nitrogen concentration to estimate the pasture intake of Merino wethers
LJ Lambourne and TF Reardon
pp. 257-271
AR9630272Effect of environment on the maintenance requirements of Merino wethers
LJ Lambourne and TF Reardon
pp. 272-293
AR9630294Some skin characters in five breeds of European (Bos taurus) dairy cattle
T Nay and RH Hayman
pp. 294-302