Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 6 Number 2 1955
AR9550265 Pasture studies on the coastal lowlands of subtropical Queensland. I. Introduction and initial plant nutrient studies.
CS Andrew and WW Bryan
pp. 265-290
AR9550291 Pasture studies on the coastal lowlands of subtropical Queensland. II. The interralation of legumes, rhizobium, and calcium.
WW Bryan and CS Andrew
pp. 291-298
AR9550308 The relationship of skin follicle development to growth rate in sheep.
PG Schinckel
pp. 308-323
AR9550324Maintenance of rations for Merino sheep. II. The performance of weaners fed daily and weekly on rations of wheat and wheaten chaff at maintenance levels and the effect thereon of vitamin A supplements.
MC Franklin, GL McClymont, PK Briggs and BL Campbell
pp. 324-342
AR9550350 The heat tolerance of two breeds of calves from 1 to 12 months of age.
GH Klemm and KW Robinson
pp. 350-364