Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 6 Number 1 1955
AR9550052 Evapotranspiration from wheat and pasture in relation to available moisture.
PF Butler and JA Prescott
pp. 52-61
AR9550091 The value of production from a clipped measured area as an index of fleece weight.
FHW Morley, LW Lockart and EC Davis
pp. 91-98
AR9550109The effect of length of wool in the manual tautening of skin areas on the live sheep.
AA Dunlop and HN Turner
pp. 109-114
AR9550115 Buffer systems in the rumen of sheep. I. pH and bicarbonate concentration in relationship to pCO2.
AW Turner and VE Hodgetts
pp. 115-124
AR9550125 Buffer systems in the rumen of sheep. II. Buffering properties in relationship to composition.
AW Turner and VE Hodgetts
pp. 125-144
AR9550171 Interactions of genotype and environment in determining sexual maturity in the domestic fowl.
F Skaller and BL Sheldon
pp. 171-185