Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 4 Number 3 1953
AR9530249 Competition and weedicide studies of Mintweed (Salvia reflexa Hornem).
WJ Bisset
pp. 249-255
AR9530264 Effects of skin coatings on the behaviour of apples in storage. 2. Common storage investigations.
EG Hall, SM Sykes and SA Trout
pp. 264-282
AR9530305 Studies in pedogenesis in NSW. 5. The Euchrozems.
EG Hallsworth, JD Colwell and FR Gibbons
pp. 305-325
AR9530334A simple macrorespirometer for studies in soil microbiology.
RJ Swaby and BI Passey
pp. 334-339
AR9530340 Studies on resistance of sheep to infestation with Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus spp. and on the immunological reactions of sheep exposed to infestation. VI. The influence of age and nutrition on resistance to Trichostrongylus colubriformis.
DF Stewart and HMcL Gordon
pp. 340-348
AR9530360 Resistance of cattle tick (Boophilus microplus (Canestrini)) to Benzene Hexachloride.
LF Hitchcock
pp. 360-364