Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 9 Number 4 1958
AR9580464 The interaction of calcium and hydrogen ions in the nodulation of subterranean clover
JF Loneragan and EJ Dowling
pp. 464-472
AR9580483 Sulphur and phosphorus in some Eastern Australian soils
CJ Williams and A Steinbergs
pp. 483-491
AR9580492 Accession of non-nitrogenous ions dissolved in rainwater to soils in Victoria
JT Hutton and TI Leslie
pp. 492-507
AR9580567 The relationship of lamb birthcoat to adult fleece structure in a strain of Merino sheep
PG Schinckel
pp. 567-578
AR9580587 Comparison of two formulations of DDT as dipping fluids for the control of the cattle tick
WJ Roulston, KR Norris, HJ Schnitzerling and RAJ Meyers
pp. 587-598