Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 9 Number 2 1958
AR9580182 Combining resistance to the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica (Treub) Chitwood, and Fusarium wilt in hybrid tomatoes
JE Giles and EM Hutton
pp. 182-192
AR9580205 Fertility investigations on the black earth wheatlands of the Darling Downs, Queensland. I. Moisture accumulation under short fallow
SA Waring, WE Fox and LJH Teakle
pp. 205-216
AR9580217 Heat and water in tropical Merino sheep
WV Macfarlane, RJH Morris and B Howard
pp. 217-228
AR9580229 Effect of level of feeding on the variability of fibre diameter in four breeds of sheep
BF Short, AS Fraser and HB Carter
pp. 229-236
AR9580260Differences among Merino strains in resistance to fleece-rot
AA Dunlop and RH Hayman
pp. 260-266