Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 25 Number 3 1974
AR9740381The effect of infestation by Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass) on the yield of wheat
DF Smith and GRT Levick
pp. 381-393
AR9740425 Studies on the productivity of tropical pasture plants. V.* Effect of shading on growth, photosynthesis and respiration in two grasses and two legumes
MM Ludlow, GL Wilson and MR Heslehurst
pp. 425-433
AR9740435Relationships among rate and duration of flowering and seed yield components in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum)
CM Francis and JS Gladstones
pp. 435-442
AR9740443Effects of temperature and day length on cytoplasmic male sterility in cotton (Gossypium)
DR Marshall, NJ Thompson, GH Nicholls and CM Patrick
pp. 443-447
AR9740475Phosphorus homeostasis in sheep. I. Effects of ligation of parotid salivary ducts
FM Tomas and M Somers
pp. 475-483