Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 43 Number 3 1992
AR9920433Inheritance in hexaploid wheat of Septoria tritici blotch resistance and other characteristics derived from Triticum tauschii
CE May and ES Lagudah
pp. 433-442
AR9920451The effect of light and temperature on in vitro germination and germ tube growth of urediniospores of Tranzschelia discolor
PJ Ellison, BR Cullis and PF Kable
pp. 451-464
AR9920465Responses of some grain and pasture legumes to 16 strains of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
WS Wahyuni and RIB Francki
pp. 465-477
AR9920479Phosphorus efficiency of three cereals as related to indigenous mycorrhizal infection
JB Baon, SE Smith, AM Alston and RD Wheeler
pp. 479-491
AR9920493Development, growth, water-use and yield of a spring and a winter wheat in response to time of sowing
DJ Connor, S Theiveyanathan and GM Rimmington
pp. 493-516
AR9920541Potential for increasing early vigour and total biomass in spring wheat. II. Characteristics associated with early vigour
KL Regan, KHM Siddique, NC Turner and BR Whan
pp. 541-553
AR9920555Root and shoot growth, and water and light use efficiency of barley and wheat crops grown on a shallow duplex soil in a mediterranean-type environment
PJ Gregory, D Tennant and RK Belford
pp. 555-573
AR9920575Differences in flowering responses of wheat to temperature and photoperiod
T Manupeerapan, JL Davidson, CJ Pearson and KR Christian
pp. 575-584
AR9920585Thermal requirement for germination and seedling growth of wheat
PC Addae and CJ Pearson
pp. 585-594
AR9920595Effect of rotation and inoculation with Bradyrhizobium on nitrogen fixation and yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L., cv. Virginia Bunch)
MB Peoples, MJ Bell and HVA Bushby
pp. 595-607
AR9920635Iron deficiency depresses growth of furrow irrigated soybean and pigeon pea on vertisols of northern N.S.W
AS Hodgson, JF Holland and EF Rogers
pp. 635-644
AR9920645Identification of drought tolerance in early-maturing indeterminate soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)
IA Rose, KS McWhirter and RA Spurway
pp. 645-657
AR9920659Water stress affects the productivity, growth components, competitiveness and water relations of phalaris and white clover growing in a mixed pasture
L Guobin, DR Kemp and GB Liu
pp. 659-672
AR9920673Winter temperatures and reproductive development affect the productivity and growth components of white clover and phalaris growing in a mixed pasture
DR Kemp, L Guobin and GB Liu
pp. 673-683
AR9920685Partitioning of dry matter into primary branches and pod initiation on the main inflorescence of Lupinus angustifolius
A Pigeaire, M Seymour, R Delane and CA Atkins
pp. 685-696
AR9920717Effects of early defoliation on the seedling growth of subterranean clover
RC Rossiter
pp. 717-729
AR9920731Differential tolerance of genotypes of Medicago truncatula to low pH
M Bounejmate and AD Robson
pp. 731-737
AR9920739Annual Medicago species in Morocco. I. Species and their abundance
M Bounejmate, PE Beale and AD Robson
pp. 739-749
AR9920751Annual Medicago species in Morocco. II. Distribution in relation to soil and climate
M Bounejmate, AD Robson and PE Beale
pp. 751-763
AR9920765Calcium modifies pH effects on the growth of acid-tolerant and acid-sensitive Rhizobium meliloti
JG Howieson, AD Robson and LK Abbott
pp. 765-772