Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 42 Number 1 1991
AR9910013Crop growth and relative growth rates of old and modern wheat cultivars
MM Karimi and KHM Siddique
pp. 13-20
AR9910021Seasonal changes in wheat-grain quality associated with high temperatures during grain filling
CS Blumenthal, IL Batey, F Bekes, CW Wrigley and EWR Barlow
pp. 21-30
AR9910031Wheat response after temperate crop legumes in south-eastern Australia
J Evans, NA Fettell, DR Coventry, GE O'Connor, DN Walsgott, J Mahoney and EL Armstrong
pp. 31-43
AR9910045An analysis of yield reduction caused by stripe rust in Rongotea wheat.
RE Gaunt and MJ Cole
pp. 45-52
AR9910053Population dynamics of Heterodera avenae Woll. in South Australia
JM Fisher and TW Hancock
pp. 53-68
AR9910069Triticum tauschii: a novel source of resistance to cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae)
RF Eastwood, ES Lagudah, R Appels, M Hannah and JF Kollmorgen
pp. 69-77
AR9910069cCorrigendum - Triticum tauschii: a novel source of resistance to cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae)
RF Eastwood, ES Lagudah, R Appels, M Hannah and JF Kollmorgen
pp. 69-77
AR9910121The effect of inoculum distribution and sowing depth on Pleiochaeta root rot of lupins
MW Sweetingham
pp. 121-128
AR9910129The role of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM) in the phosphorus nutrition of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)
BM Ikombo, DG Edwards and CJ Asher
pp. 129-138
AR9910139Potential of Lotus germplasm for the development of salt, aluminium and manganese tolerant pasture plants
DP Schachtman and WM Kelman
pp. 139-149
AR9910151Variable paths to seed production within the Kangaroo Valley cultivar of Lolium perenne
SG Shah, CJ Pearson and AC Kirby
pp. 151-159
AR9910161Competition between Clare and Seaton Park, and Clare and Daliak subterranean clovers in replacement series mixtures in the field.
MJ Hill and AC Gleeson
pp. 161-173
AR9910175The effect of temperature on germination and seedling growth of temperate perennial pasture legumes.
MJ Hill and R Luck
pp. 175-189
AR9910191A review of factors affecting minimum temperature reached on clear, windless nights.
WK Gardner, GK McDonald, SE Ellis, M Platt and RG Flood
pp. 191-203