Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 47 Number 5 1996
AR9960651Response of capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.), sweet corn (Zea mays L.), and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) to inoculation with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae
JK Olsen, JT Schaefer, MN Hunter, DG Edwards, VJ Galea and LM Muller
pp. 651-671
AR9960673 Microcosm assessment of potential molluscicides for control of the rice snail Isidorella newcombi sens. lat. (Gastropoda: Basommatophora: Planorbidae)
MM Stevens, RJ Faulder and NE Coombes
pp. 673-680
AR9960681RAPD-PCR identification of Verticillium dahliae isolates with differential pathogenicity on cotton
JR Ramsay, DS Multani and BR Lyon
pp. 681-693
AR9960695 Nitrogen fertiliser residues for wheat cropping in subtropical Australia
WM Strong, RC Dalal, EJ Weston, JE Cooper, KJ Lehane and AJ King
pp. 695-703
AR9960705Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in wheat in the field and under rain simulation
RM Trethowan, S Rajaram and FW Ellison
pp. 705-716
AR9960717 The value of skill in seasonal climate forecasting to wheat crop management in a region with high climatic variability
GL Hammer, DP Holzworth and R Stone
pp. 717-737
AR9960739Control of early development in winter and facultative wheats in contrasting field environments
LDJ Penrose and TS Payne
pp. 739-755
AR9960757 Influence of phenology on grain yield variation among barley cultivars grown under terminal drought
JH Mitchell, S Fukai and M Cooper
pp. 757-774
AR9960775Short-term patterns of seed softening in Trifolium subterraneum, T. glomeratum and Medicago polymorpha
FP Smith, PS Cocks and MA Ewing
pp. 775-785
AR9960787The leaf infection process and resistance to Pleiochaeta setosa in three lupin species
HA Yang, MW Sweetingham and WA Cowling
pp. 787-799
AR9960817Month of harvest and yield components of tea tree. II. Oil concentration, composition, and yield
GJ Murtagh and GR Smith
pp. 817-827