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Articles citing this paper

Studies of the artificial insemination of sheep: The effects on fertility of diluting ram semen, stage of oestrus of the ewe at insemination, and injection of synthetic oxytocin

RC Jones, CA Martin and KR Lapwood
20(1) pp.141 - 150

14 articles found in Crossref database.

The number of spermatozoa required by naturally mated ewes and the ability of rams to meet these requirements
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Animal Reproduction Science. 1987 13(2). p.91
Copulatory tactics in relation to sperm competition in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep
Hogg John T.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 1988 22(1). p.49
Sheep Breeding (1979)
Frozen storage of ram semen II. Causes of low fertility after cervical insemination and methods of improvement
Salamon S, Maxwell W.M.C
Animal Reproduction Science. 1995 38(1-2). p.1
Mitochondrial injury to ram sperm during procedures associated with artificial insemination or frozen storage
Windsor D.P, White I.G
Animal Reproduction Science. 1995 40(1-2). p.43
Effect of Different Semen Diluents on Survival of Ram Spermatozoa at 5 °C
Petruzzi V., Tarantini S., Roychoudhury P. N.
Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A. 2010 23(7). p.556
Sheep Breeding (1979)
Fertility of ram semen after storage at 5°C
Salamon S., Maxwell W.M.C., Firth J.H.
Animal Reproduction Science. 1979 2(4). p.373
Artificial insemination of sheep: Effects on fertility of number of spermatozoa inseminated and of storage of diluted semen for up to 18 hours at 5°C
Martin I.C.A., Watson P.F.
Theriogenology. 1976 5(1). p.29
Effect of service and oxytocin on estrus duration in goats
Romano J.E.
Small Ruminant Research. 1997 23(2-3). p.213
Artificial insemination of sheep: The fertility of semen extended in diluents containing egg yolk and inseminated soon after dilution or stored at 5°C for 24 or 48 hours
Watson P.F., Martin I.C.A.
Theriogenology. 1976 6(5). p.553
Artificial insemination of sheep: The effect of semen diluents containing egg yolk on the fertility of ram semen
Watson P.F., Martin I.C.A.
Theriogenology. 1976 6(5). p.559
Uses of Artificial Insemination
Nature. 1971 229(5286). p.534
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ÖZMEN M. Ferit, CİRİT Ümüt
Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020 13(2). p.83

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