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A walk on the wild side: mining wild wheat and barley collections for rust resistance genes

Brian J. Steffenson A D , Pablo Olivera A , Joy K. Roy A , Yue Jin B , Kevin P. Smith C and Gary J. Muehlbauer C
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- Author Affiliations

A Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.

B United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Cereal Disease Laboratory, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.

C Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58(6) 532-544
Submitted: 26 March 2007  Accepted: 24 May 2007   Published: 26 June 2007

95 articles found in Crossref database.

Control of foliar diseases in barley: towards an integrated approach
Walters Dale R., Avrova Anna, Bingham Ian J., Burnett Fiona J., Fountaine James, Havis Neil D., Hoad Stephen P., Hughes Gareth, Looseley Mark, Oxley Simon J. P., Renwick Alan, Topp Cairistiona F. E., Newton Adrian C.
European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2012 133(1). p.33
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Sharma Rajiv, Draicchio Fulvia, Bull Hazel, Herzig Paul, Maurer Andreas, Pillen Klaus, Thomas William T B, Flavell Andrew J
Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018 69(16). p.3811
Barley Genomics: An Overview
Sreenivasulu Nese, Graner Andreas, Wobus Ulrich
International Journal of Plant Genomics. 2008 2008 p.1
Mapping Agronomic Traits in a Wild Barley Advanced Backcross–Nested Association Mapping Population
Nice Liana M., Steffenson Brian J., Blake Thomas K., Horsley Richard D., Smith Kevin P., Muehlbauer Gary J.
Crop Science. 2017 57(3). p.1199
Sources of Bacterial Leaf Streak Resistance Identified in a Diverse Collection of Barley Germplasm
Ritzinger Mitchell G., Smith Kevin P., Case Austin J., Wodarek Joseph R., Dill-Macky Ruth, Curland Rebecca D., Steffenson Brian J.
Plant Disease. 2023 107(3). p.802
Two Genomic Regions Contribute Disproportionately to Geographic Differentiation in Wild Barley
Fang Zhou, Gonzales Ana M, Clegg Michael T, Smith Kevin P, Muehlbauer Gary J, Steffenson Brian J, Morrell Peter L
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 2014 4(7). p.1193
Vulnerability of Barley to African Pathotypes of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici and Sources of Resistance
Steffenson B. J., Case A. J., Pretorius Z. A., Coetzee V., Kloppers F. J., Zhou H., Chai Y., Wanyera R., Macharia G., Bhavani S., Grando S.
Phytopathology®. 2017 107(8). p.950
Allele Sequencing of the Barley Stem Rust Resistance Gene Rpg1 Identifies Regions Relevant to Disease Resistance
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Phytopathology®. 2008 98(8). p.910
Marker Imputation in Barley Association Studies
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Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Stem Rust Resistance inHordeum vulgaresubsp.spontaneum
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Millett Benjamin P., Xiong Yanwen, Dahl Stephanie K., Steffenson Brian J., Muehlbauer Gary J.
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Rsg1.a3: A new allele conferring unique resistance to greenbug Biotype H at the Rsg1 locus in Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum
Xu Xiangyang, Mornhinweg Dolores W., Bai Guihua, Steffenson Brian, Bian Ruolin, Li Genqiao, Bernardo Amy
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Verma Ramesh Pal Singh, Lal Chuni, Malik Rekha, Kharub Ajit Singh, Kumar Lokendra, Kumar Dinesh
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Resistance to Stem Rust Race TTKSK Maps to the rpg4/Rpg5 Complex of Chromosome 5H of Barley
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Characterization of microRNAs and their targets in wild barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum) using deep sequencing
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Genome-wide association study of stem rust resistance in a world collection of cultivated barley
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Variation of some physical and chemical quality traits of Moroccan domesticated tetraploid oat lines of Avena murphyi Ladiz
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Analysis of Stem Rust Resistance in Australian Barley Cultivars
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Plant Disease. 2014 98(11). p.1485
Mining wild barley for powdery mildew resistance
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The barley immune receptor Mla recognizes multiple pathogens and contributes to host range dynamics
Bettgenhaeuser Jan, Hernández-Pinzón Inmaculada, Dawson Andrew M., Gardiner Matthew, Green Phon, Taylor Jodie, Smoker Matthew, Ferguson John N., Emmrich Peter, Hubbard Amelia, Bayles Rosemary, Waugh Robbie, Steffenson Brian J., Wulff Brande B. H., Dreiseitl Antonín, Ward Eric R., Moscou Matthew J.
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Genetic dissection of quantitative traits loci identifies new genes for gelatinization parameters of starch and amylose-lipid complex (Resistant starch 5) in bread wheat
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Patterns of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in a highly structured Hordeum vulgare association-mapping population for the Mediterranean basin
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Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2009 119(1). p.175
Development and Genetic Characterization of an Advanced Backcross-Nested Association Mapping (AB-NAM) Population of Wild × Cultivated Barley
Nice Liana M, Steffenson Brian J, Brown-Guedira Gina L, Akhunov Eduard D, Liu Chaochih, Kono Thomas J Y, Morrell Peter L, Blake Thomas K, Horsley Richard D, Smith Kevin P, Muehlbauer Gary J
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BarleyExpDB: an integrative gene expression database for barley
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BMC Plant Biology. 2023 23(1).
Characterisation of barley landraces from Syria and Jordan for resistance to rhynchosporium and identification of diagnostic markers for Rrs1Rh4
Looseley Mark E., Griffe Lucie L., Büttner Bianca, Wright Kathryn M., Bayer Micha M., Coulter Max, Thauvin Jean-Noël, Middlefell-Williams Jill, Maluk Marta, Okpo Aleksandra, Kettles Nicola, Werner Peter, Byrne Ed, Avrova Anna
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Domestication and crop evolution of wheat and barley: Genes, genomics, and future directions
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Marker-trait association identified candidate starch biosynthesis pathway genes for starch and amylose–lipid complex gelatinization in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Rahim Mohammed Saba, Mishra Ankita, Katyal Mehak, Thakur Sheetal, Sharma Monica, Kumar Pankaj, Parveen Afsana, Jaiswal Vandana, Singh Narpinder, Kumar Vinay, Gupta Raj Kumar, Sharma Himanshu, Roy Joy
Euphytica. 2020 216(9).
Improving winter barley adaptation to freezing and heat stresses in the U.S. Midwest: bottlenecks and opportunities
Sadok Walid, Wiersma Jochum J., Steffenson Brian J., Snapp Sigelinde S., Smith Kevin P.
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The low‐recombining pericentromeric region of barley restricts gene diversity and evolution but not gene expression
Baker Katie, Bayer Micha, Cook Nicola, Dreißig Steven, Dhillon Taniya, Russell Joanne, Hedley Pete E, Morris Jenny, Ramsay Luke, Colas Isabelle, Waugh Robbie, Steffenson Brian, Milne Iain, Stephen Gordon, Marshall David, Flavell Andrew J.
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Analysis of >1000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in geographically matched samples of landrace and wild barley indicates secondary contact and chromosome‐level differences in diversity around domestication genes
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Rpg7: A New Gene for Stem Rust Resistance from Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum
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