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Wheat leaf and stem rust in the United States

J. A. Kolmer A B , Y. Jin A and D. L. Long A
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A USDA-ARS, Cereal Disease Laboratory, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58(6) 631-638
Submitted: 9 February 2007  Accepted: 4 May 2007   Published: 26 June 2007

92 articles found in Crossref database.

Races of Puccinia triticina detected on wheat in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi and regional germplasm responses
Pretorius Z. A., Visser B., Terefe T., Herselman L., Prins R., Soko T., Siwale J., Mutari B., Selinga T. I., Hodson D. P.
Australasian Plant Pathology. 2015 44(2). p.217
Adult plant resistance to Puccinia triticina in a geographically diverse collection of Aegilops tauschii
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Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2017 64(5). p.913
Detection and validation of genomic regions associated with resistance to rust diseases in a worldwide hexaploid wheat landrace collection using BayesR and mixed linear model approaches
Pasam Raj K., Bansal Urmil, Daetwyler Hans D., Forrest Kerrie L., Wong Debbie, Petkowski Joanna, Willey Nicholas, Randhawa Mandeep, Chhetri Mumta, Miah Hanif, Tibbits Josquin, Bariana Harbans, Hayden Matthew J.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2017 130(4). p.777
Bread wheat cultivar Popo harbors QTLs for seedling and adult plant resistance to leaf rust in South African and Argentine environments
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Plant Stress. 2024 14 p.100570
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Mourad Amira M. I., Sallam Ahmed, Belamkar Vikas, Wegulo Stephen, Bai Guihua, Mahdy Ezzat, Bakheit Bahy, Abo El-Wafa Atif, Jin Yue, Baenziger P. Stephen
Scientific Reports. 2019 9(1).
Association mapping of leaf rust resistance loci in a spring wheat core collection
Turner M. Kathryn, Kolmer James A., Pumphrey Michael O., Bulli Peter, Chao Shiaoman, Anderson James A.
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Genome-Wide Association Studies in Diverse Spring Wheat Panel for Stripe, Stem, and Leaf Rust Resistance
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