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The situation of common wheat rusts in the Southern Cone of America and perspectives for control

Silvia Germán A , Amarilis Barcellos B , Marcia Chaves C , Mohan Kohli D , Pablo Campos E and Lidia de Viedma F
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A Corresponding author; INIA La Estanzuela, CC 39173, Colonia, CP 70000, Uruguay. Email:

B OR Melhoramento de Sementes Ltda., Rua João Battisti 71, Passo Fundo, CP 99050-380, RS, Brazil.

C EMBRAPA Trigo, Rodovia BR 285, km 174, Passo Fundo, CP 99001-970, RS, Brazil.

D CAPECO, Av. Brasilia 840, Asunción, Paraguay.

E INTA Bordenave, CC 44, Bordenave, CP 8187, Argentina.

F MAG/DIA/CRIA, Ruta VI, km 16, Capital Miranda, Itapúa, Paraguay.

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58(6) 620-630
Submitted: 10 May 2006  Accepted: 16 October 2006   Published: 26 June 2007

80 articles found in Crossref database.

Economic returns from the foliar fungicide application to control leaf rust in winter wheat cultivars in southwest of Iran (Khuzestan Province)
Hasanzadeh Mostafa, Safaie Naser, Eslahi Mohammad Reza, Dadrezaei Seyed Taha, Tabatabaei Seyed Nosratollah
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Fernandez Myriam R., Knox Ron E.
Race and Virulence Dynamics of Puccinia triticina in China During 2000–2006
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Felício João Carlos, Camargo Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira, Chaves Márcia Soares, Ferreira Filho Antonio Wilson Penteado
Bragantia. 2010 69(4). p.787
A candidate for Lr19, an exotic gene conditioning leaf rust resistance in wheat
Gennaro Andrea, Koebner Robert M. D., Ceoloni Carla
Functional & Integrative Genomics. 2009 9(3). p.325
Identification of adult plant resistance to stripe rust in the wheat cultivar Cappelle-Desprez
Agenbag G. M., Pretorius Z. A., Boyd L. A., Bender C. M., Prins R.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2012 125(1). p.109
Molecular markers and phenotypic characterization of adult plant resistance genes Lr 34, Lr 46, Lr 67 and Lr 68 and their association with partial resistance to leaf rust in wheat
El-Orabey Walid M., Hamwieh Aladdin, Ahmed Shaimaa M.
Journal of Genetics. 2019 98(3).
Genetic Diversity for Effective Resistance in Wheat Landraces from Ethiopia and Eritrea to Fungal Diseases and Toxic Aluminum Ions
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Plants. 2024 13(8). p.1166
Global status of stripe rust: a review of historical and current threats
Wellings Colin R.
Euphytica. 2011 179(1). p.129
MS INTA 416: A new Argentinean wheat cultivar carrying Fhb1 and Lr47 resistance genes
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Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology. 2017 17(3). p.280
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Calvo-Salazar V., Singh R. P., Huerta-Espino J., Cruz-Izquierdo S., Lobato-Ortiz R., Sandoval-Islas S., Vargas-Hernández M., German S., Silva P., Basnet B. R., Lan C. X., Herrera-Foessel S. A.
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Genetic differentiation of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina in Europe
Kolmer J. A., Hanzalova A., Goyeau H., Bayles R., Morgounov A.
Plant Pathology. 2013 62(1). p.21
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Bansal U. K., Forrest K. L., Hayden M. J., Miah H., Singh D., Bariana H. S.
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Discovery and characterisation of a new leaf rust resistance gene introgressed in wheat from wild wheat Aegilops peregrina
Narang Deepika, Kaur Satinder, Steuernagel Burkhard, Ghosh Sreya, Bansal Urmil, Li Jianbo, Zhang Peng, Bhardwaj Subhash, Uauy Cristobal, Wulff Brande B. H., Chhuneja Parveen
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Endemic and panglobal genetic groups, and divergence of host-associated forms in worldwide collections of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina as determined by genotyping by sequencing
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Heredity. 2020 124(3). p.397
Microsatellite analysis of selected Puccinia triticina races in South Africa
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Global status of wheat leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina
Huerta-Espino J., Singh R. P., Germán S., McCallum B. D., Park R. F., Chen W. Q., Bhardwaj S. C., Goyeau H.
Euphytica. 2011 179(1). p.143
Leaf Rust Resistance in Selected Uruguayan Common Wheat Cultivars with Early Maturity
Germán S. E., Kolmer J. A.
Crop Science. 2012 52(2). p.601
Glutenin analysis for the safe screening of self-pollinated wheat seeds when developing doubled-haploid populations
Torres Gisele Abigail Montan, Scagliusi Sandra Maria Mansur, Chaves Márcia Soares, Consoli Luciano
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira. 2018 53(5). p.646
Physiologic Specialization of Puccinia triticina on Wheat in the United States in 2014
Kolmer J. A., Hughes M. E.
Plant Disease. 2016 100(8). p.1768
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Figueroa Melania, Dodds Peter N., Henningsen Eva C., Sperschneider Jana
A novel TaMYB4 transcription factor involved in the defence response against Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and abiotic stresses
Al-Attala M. Nashaat, Wang Xiaojie, Abou-Attia M. A., Duan Xiaoyuan, Kang Zhensheng
Plant Molecular Biology. 2014 84(4-5). p.589
Principal approaches and achievements in studying race composition of wheat stem rust
Rsaliyev A. S., Rsaliyev Sh. S.
Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2019 22(8). p.967
QTL Mapping for Adult-Plant Resistance to Leaf Rust in Italian Wheat Cultivar Libellula
Gao Pu, Zhou Yue, Gebrewahid Takele Weldu, Zhang Peipei, Wang Siman, Liu Daqun, Li Zaifeng
Plant Disease. 2024 108(1). p.13
The Migration, Diversity, and Evolution of Puccinia triticina in China
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Rapid emergency response to yellow rust epidemics caused by newly introduced lineages of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in Argentina
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A QTL on chromosome 5BL in wheat enhances leaf rust resistance of Lr46
Kolmer J. A.
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Disease Impact on Wheat Yield Potential and Prospects of Genetic Control
Singh Ravi P., Singh Pawan K., Rutkoski Jessica, Hodson David P., He Xinyao, Jørgensen Lise N., Hovmøller Mogens S., Huerta-Espino Julio
Annual Review of Phytopathology. 2016 54(1). p.303
Comparative secretome analysis of Indian wheat leaf rust pathogen Puccinia triticina
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2019 89(10).
Virulence of some Puccinia triticina races to the effective wheat leaf rust resistant genes Lr 9 and Lr 19 under Egyptian field conditions
El-Orabey Walid M.
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 2018 102 p.163
Physiologic Specialization of Puccinia triticina on Wheat in the United States in 2012
Kolmer J. A, Hughes M. E.
Plant Disease. 2014 98(8). p.1145
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Agrociencia Uruguay. 2023 27 p.e997
Virulence and molecular genetic diversity of the Puccinia triticina population in Hebei Province of China in 2008 and 2010
Zhang L. Y., Meng Q. F., Yan H. F., Liu D. Q.
European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2019 153(1). p.153
A century of wheat breeding in Brazil: the origin and inheritance of the Lr34 locus in wheat varieties released from 1922 to 2016
Chaves Márcia Soares, Silva Gerarda Beatriz Pinto da, Caierão Eduardo, Federizzi Luiz Carlos, Martinelli José Antônio
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology. 2020 20(2).
Multiple resistance genes to leaf and stem rust in Brazilian wheat varieties ‘BRS194’ and ‘Toropi’
Coelho Mônica Bossardi, Scagliusi Sandra Mansur, Mccallum Brent, Hiebert Colin W., Chaves Márcia Soares, Brammer Sandra Patussi, Lângaro Nadia Canali, Fetch Tom
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 2022 44(4). p.559
Diversity in Puccinia triticina detected on wheat from 2008 to 2010 and the impact of new races on South African wheat germplasm
Terefe T. G., Visser B., Herselman L., Prins R., Negussie T., Kolmer J. A., Pretorius Z. A.
European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014 139(1). p.95
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Diversity ofPuccinia striiformison Cereals and Grasses
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Annual Review of Phytopathology. 2011 49(1). p.197
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Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2017 119 p.1
QTL mapping of stripe, leaf and stem rust resistance genes in a Kariega × Avocet S doubled haploid wheat population
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Molecular Breeding. 2011 27(2). p.259
Leaf rust resistance in selected late maturity, common wheat cultivars from Uruguay
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Plant Pathology. 2015 64(2). p.328
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Genome Biology and Evolution. 2016 8(9). p.2702

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