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Glyphosate resistance in Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. from different origins and polymerase chain reaction amplification of specific alleles

C. H. Ng, R. Wickneswary, S. Salmijah, Y. T. Teng and B. S. Ismail
55(4) pp.407 - 414

45 articles found in Crossref database.

First report of target‐site resistance to glyphosate in Amaranthus hybridus L. in the Republic of South Africa
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Weed Research. 2024 64(4). p.290
A Novel P106L Mutation in EPSPS and an Unknown Mechanism(s) Act Additively To Confer Resistance to Glyphosate in a South African Lolium rigidum Population
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2011 59(7). p.3227
Glyphosate Resistance in Crops and Weeds (2010)
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Target-site EPSPS Pro-106 mutations: sufficient to endow glyphosate resistance in polyploidEchinochloa colona?
Han Heping, Yu Qin, Widderick Michael J, Powles Stephen B
Pest Management Science. 2016 72(2). p.264
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Takano Hudson K., Mendes Rafael R., Scoz Leonardo B., Lopez Ovejero Ramiro F., Constantin Jamil, Gaines Todd A., Westra Philip, Dayan Franck E., Oliveira Rubem S.
Weed Science. 2019 67(1). p.48
Nucleotide Variability in the 5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-Phosphate Synthase Gene from Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn
Chong J.L., Wickneswar R., Ismail B.S., Salmijah S.
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 2008 11(3). p.476
Inheritance of glyphosate resistance in Lolium perenne and hybrids with Lolium multiflorum
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Crop Protection. 2015 71 p.72
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Yu Qin, Jalaludin Adam, Han Heping, Chen Ming, Sammons R. Douglas, Powles Stephen B.
Plant Physiology. 2015 167(4). p.1440
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Scientific Reports. 2020 10(1).
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Glyphosate-Resistant Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) Confirmed in Tennessee
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Weed Science. 2011 59(4). p.562
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Glyphosate resistance: state of knowledge
Sammons Robert Douglas, Gaines Todd A
Pest Management Science. 2014 70(9). p.1367
Resistance to Glyphosate in Junglerice (Echinochloa colona) from California
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Weed Science. 2013 61(1). p.48
Glyphosate, paraquat and ACCase multiple herbicide resistance evolved in a Lolium rigidum biotype
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Planta. 2006 225(2). p.499
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Zelaya I. A., Owen M. D. K., VanGessel M. J.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2004 110(1). p.58
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Weed Science. 2014 62(1). p.4
Herbicide‐resistant crops and weed resistance to herbicides
Owen Micheal DK, Zelaya Ian A
Pest Management Science. 2005 61(3). p.301
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Characterization of Eleusine indica with gene mutation or amplification in EPSPS to glyphosate
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EPSPSGene Amplification Primarily Confers Glyphosate Resistance among Arkansas Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Populations
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Neves Susana S.
Evolved Glyphosate Resistance in Plants: Biochemical and Genetic Basis of Resistance
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Weed Technology. 2006 20(2). p.282
Glyphosate-Resistant Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in California: Distribution, Response to Glyphosate, and Molecular Evidence for an Altered Target Enzyme
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Weed Science. 2014 62(4). p.597
The EPSPS Pro106Ser substitution solely accounts for glyphosate resistance in a goosegrass (Eleusine indica) population from Tennessee, United States
Janel L Huffman, Riggins Chance W, Steckel Lawrence E, Tranel Patrick J
Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2016 15(6). p.1304
Investigating the mechanisms of glyphosate resistance in goosegrass (Eleusine indica) population from South China
ZHANG Chun, FENG Li, HE Ting-ting, YANG Cai-hong, CHEN Guo-qi, TIAN Xing-shan
Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015 14(5). p.909
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Glyphosate-Resistant Goosegrass from Mississippi
Molin William, Wright Alice, Nandula Vijay
Agronomy. 2013 3(2). p.474
Multiple resistance across glufosinate, glyphosate, paraquat and ACCase‐inhibiting herbicides in an Eleusine indica population
Jalaludin A, Yu Q, Powles S B, Darmency Henri
Weed Research. 2015 55(1). p.82
Importance of the P106S Target-Site Mutation in Conferring Resistance to Glyphosate in a Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) Population from the Philippines
Kaundun Shiv S., Zelaya Ian A., Dale Richard P., Lycett Amy J., Carter Patrice, Sharples Kate R., McIndoe Eddie
Weed Science. 2008 56(5). p.637
Glyphosate Resistance in Crops and Weeds (2010)
Christoffers Michael J., Varanasi Aruna V.
Real‐time quantitative PCR assays for quantification of L1781 ACCase inhibitor resistance allele in leaf and seed pools of Lolium populations
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Pest Management Science. 2006 62(11). p.1082
Challenging glyphosate resistance EPSPS P106S and TIPS mutations with soybean competition and glyphosate: implications for management
Barroso Arthur Arrobas Martins, Michelon Thomas Bruno, da Costa Aguiar Alves Pedro Luis, Han Heping, Yu Qin, Powles Stephen B., Vila‐Aiub Martin M.
Pest Management Science. 2022 78(11). p.4764
Identification and characterization of RAPD–SCAR markers linked to glyphosate-susceptible and -resistant biotypes of Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn
Cha Thye San, Anne-Marie Kaben, Chuah Tse Seng
Molecular Biology Reports. 2014 41(2). p.823
Mechanism of Resistance to Glyphosate in Lolium perenne from Argentina
Yanniccari Marcos, Gómez-Lobato María E., Istilart Carolina, Natalucci Claudia, Giménez Daniel O., Castro Ana M.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2017 5
Planta Daninha. 2017 35(0).

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