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Crop and Pasture Science Crop and Pasture Science Society
Plant sciences, sustainable farming systems and food quality

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Influence of size of rainfall events on water-driven processes. II. Soil nitrogen mineralisation in a semi-arid environment

Victor O. Sadras and Jeffrey A. Baldock
54(4) pp.353 - 361

17 articles found in Crossref database.

Quantifying crop nitrogen status for comparisons of agronomic practices and genotypes
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Urban Ecosystems. 2005 8(3-4). p.251
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Sadras Víctor O.
European Journal of Agronomy. 2004 21(4). p.455
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Agronomic and environmental drivers of population size and symbiotic performance of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae in Mediterranean-type environments
Drew E. A., Denton M. D., Sadras V. O., Ballard R. A.
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European Journal of Agronomy. 2019 106 p.23
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Fallow soil evaporation and water storage as affected by stubble in sub-humid (Argentina) and semi-arid (Australia) environments
Monzon J.P., Sadras V.O., Andrade F.H.
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Sadras V. O., Rodriguez D.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2007 58(7). p.657
Nitrogen mineralisation in relation to previous crops and pastures
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Soil Research. 2006 44(4). p.355
Measuring and modelling yield and water budget components of wheat crops in coarse-textured soils with chemical constraints
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